Chapter 101

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James' POV

 We were enjoying ourselves in the tree house thingy.

 But, this dress was bothering me. "Guys. Who knew a dress would be this umncimfortable." I said.

 Everyone looked at Lindy. "Well yeah." She said. "I don't have any other clothes, though." I pouted.

 "There's some clothes over in the corner that may fit you." Lindy said and pointed to the chair. "Why?" Tristan asked.

 "This is Hayes' tree house, too." She said in a duh tone. We nodded. I walked over to the clothes.

 I picked up the jeans and held them to my waist. "You think they'll fit?" I asked everyone. They all nodded.

 "How am I gonna do this?" I asked Lindy. "Slipp the jeans on underneath the dress. Then, take the dress off." She instructed.

 We all looked at her in a weird way. "What? Sometimes, I have to change in front of a whole bunch of boys." She shrugged and pointed to the house.

 I just shrugged, slipping the jeans on, which surprisingly fit. Then, I took off the dress. "Umm. James." Lindy said.

 "Yeah." I said. "Whose bra is that?" She asked. "Someone's." I responded.

 "Seriously. I lost a bra like that. Is it mine?" She asked. "Maybe." I smirked. "Oh my god! You went through my drawer to find that, pervert." She squealed.

 ""Dude, that's just creepy." Connor said. "Paige got it for me." I shrugged. "I'll kill her." Lindy muttered under her breath.

 I laughed and took the bra off. I held the grapefruits in my hand and tossed the bra at Lindy. "There you are." I smiled.

 She threw the bra at Tristan. He threw it at Brad, who put it in the empty space behind him.

 "Wanna grapefruit?" I said and threw one at Connor's head. It bounced off of his head and hit Lindy's. "Oww, you bitch." She mumbled, rubbing her head.

 "I'm bored." Brad said. "Me too." Connor said. Linddy had her head lying on Connor's shoulder and her legs were stretched across Brad.

  We've been waiting to tell Lindy that we're moving in a couple houses down. "Should we tell her now?" Tristan said, quietly.

 "I think so." Brad whispered. Connor gently shook Lindy. "What?" She mumbled, lightly. "Wake up. We gotta tell you something." He said.

 "No." She said, pushing her head into his neck. "WAKE UP NOW!" Tristan whisper- yelled. Her eyes shot open, immediately.

 "Okay. Tell what you need to tell me. Which may I add, probably isn't more important than my sleep." Lindy sighed. 

 "But, continue." She added.

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