Chapter 122

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Tristan's POV

I didn't wanna leave. It felt like I was gonna be leaving family all over again. Lindy is like a little sister to me. But, I also didn't wanna leave everyone else.

We had developed some sort of ratchet, disfunctional family. And I love that.

Right now, the guys and I are at our hotel room. We are packing because we leave in three days. "I really don't wanna leave." Brad said.

"Why? Because you wanna kiss my best friend again." Connor said. "Wait, Brad? You kissed Lindy?" James asked. Brad nodded. "Well. You guys know that neither of you are gonna end up with her. She likes Calum a lot." I said.

"And how would you know?" Connor said. "She told me." I said. "Yeah right." Brad said.

I pulled out my phone and texted Lindy.

Me: Do you still have those feelings for Calum?

LindyBear💝: yeah. Why?

Me: just wondering. See you soon. Bye❤️

LindyBear💝: Bye💞

I showed the two the text. "See." I said. "Oh." Was all they could say. "Yeah." I said. "Well. I at least I got a kiss." Brad shrugged.

"Dude. I've known her my whole life. Don't you think I've kissed her before?" Connor said. "I don't know." Brad said. "Well. I have. Several times." Connor said.

James and I just laughed at them argue back and forth. "Shut the hell up!" They said to us. That caused us to laugh even harder.

Then, Brad and Connor looked at each other. They joined in our laughter. "W-why.... Are we.. Laughing?" James said. "I-I don't know." I said.

After we calmed down, we finished packing.

Ashton's POV

We all were sitting around in Lindy's room. "I'm bored." Paige groaned and flopped back onto the bed. "Then go fuck Jc." Lindy said, not looking up from her phone.

"Maybe I will." Paige said. Jc was sitting there with a look on his face. Then, Paige and Lindy broke into laughter. Lindy dropped her phone and continued to laugh.

I went over and picked up her phone. I looked at what she was doing. She was texting Tristan. I read them.

Trissy💩: Do you still have those feelings for Calum?

Lindy: Yeah. Why?

Trissy💩: Just wondering. See you soon. Bye❤️

Lindy: Bye💞

I screenshotted the messages and sent them to myself. After that, I deleted my messages and put her phone back. Lindy and Paige stopped laughing.

Lindy went to pick her phone back up. I then got the messages I sent to myself. I texted Calum. He was laying on the end of Lindy's bed.


Cal: what?

Me: [photo attached] LOOK

Cal: I know.

Me: Well I feel stupid

Cal: Don't you always?

Then, Calum and I started laughing. "FUCK!" Steph yelled as she walked in the room. "What's wrong?" Taylor asked. "I dropped my phone. And now it's cracked." Steph said.

"Wait. The new one or the old one?" Mahogany said. "The 6." Steph said. "How the hell did you drop it?" Paige said.

"Well. You see, I was watching Lohanthony's snapchat story while walking up here. And right when the picture of him in the mirror holding his phone with the crack came on, I dropped it." Steph said.

"I blame Anthony." Lindy said. "Call him and tell him he's bad luck." Steph said to Lindy. Lindy nodded and called him.

She put it on speaker when he answered. "What's up, my bitch?" Anthony's voice rang through the phone. "Steph said you're bad luck." Lindy said.

"What? Why?" He asked. "Because. She was watching you're snapchat story and the picture of your cracked phone came on the screen. She dropped and cracked her phone." Lindy explained.

"No. I'm not bad luck. Des just clumsy." He said. "Shut the hell up." Steph said. "Okay. Bye." Anthony said and hung up.

"We're back!" Tristan yelled from downstairs.

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