Chapter 111

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Lindy's POV

After I finished my pizza, I went into the bathroom. I had washed my face and brushed my hair and teeth.

I opened my makeup bag and pulled out my concealer. I put some on my hand and then onto my face. I put the concealer back in the bag and walked out the bathroom.

Earlier, I had heard a door slam. Ricky's door is the only one closed. I walked to Ricky's room and knocked.

No one answered. I cracked the door and popped my head in. "Ricky." I said, faintly.

He was laying in his bed and facing the wall. I walked in and shut the door quietly because I thought he was sleeping.

I crawled into his bed facing him. He was crying. "Ricky." I said. He just kept on crying.

I sat up and rested my head on the headboard of the bed. I pulled Ricky over to me.

He rested his head on my stomach. Then, he wrapped his arms securely around my waist. I had one of my arms underneath him and one resting on his arm.

"Rickster. It's okay. Don't worry. I'm here." I said, soothingly. "I-I didn't want h-him to leave." Ricky sobbed. "I know. I didn't either." I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"Why did he have to leave?" He asked, after calming down. "To be honest, I-I don't know." I lied to my best friend. I could feel his tears on my arm.

"Can we just lay here like this?" Ricky asked. "Yeah. I'd like that." I agreed. We layed there and I started feeling drowsy. Ricky was already asleep, so I fell asleep.

A little while later, I heard the door open. I opened my eyes to see Kian. He smiled at me and Ricky.

"Hey, babe." Kian said. "Hi." I said, sleepily. "How she doing?" He asked, gesturing toward Ricky. "Good. We've been asleep for like an hour." I said.

"Well. I want you to meet someone. Come with me." Kian said. "I can't. You do realize Ricky is the one attached to me, right?" I said.

"Well. I'll just bring her up here then." He said. He got up and walked out. "BE RIGHT BACK." He called from the hall.

Bring her? Who's her?

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