Chapter 97

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Lindy's POV

 Cameron said that he's gonna be DD.

 For those of you who don't know what DD means, because I surely didn't, I will tell you. It means designated driver.

 So, he's gonna drive anyone who doesn't live here and gets drunk home.

 That means he can't drink. He cannot drink. Cam cannot drink.

 Right now, I was talking to Calum. With Cameron, of course. He's being too overprotective.

 I mean, I do talk to guys all the time. I bet if I go and find Josh or someone, he'd be fine.

 But, Did I mention the guys were dressed as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

 "Hey. I'm gonna get a drink. Anyone want one?" Ashton said. Calum, Mikey, and Luke all raised there hands.

 "What about you, mate?" Ash asked Cam. "I'm DD. No drinking." Cam stated. 

 "Oh. Lindy, you want one?" He asked. "I can't have one because I'm apparently "Not the appropiate age"." I pouted, putting air quotes around 'not the appropiate age'.

 "Oh okay." Ashton laughs and goes to get the drinks. "So, Lindy." Luke says.

 "Yeah." She said. "How do you know Connor and the guys?" He asked. "Which Connor?" She asked.

 "Ball." Luke said. "Oh. Well, him and I were really close when we were little. Same birthday. Different years. He was my best friend. Until about senventh grade. I was about to turn 13 and he was about to turn 15. His mum and dad got a promotion. They had to move and four years later, we meet again." I explained and smiled, shoving my glasses up a bit.

 "Wow." Calum and Luke said. "Dude. That sounds like a cliche love story." Mikey said. "Does not." I said, defensively.

 "Yeah. It does." Luke backed Michael up. "Whatever." I said. Ashton walked back to our little group.

 "Here guys." He said, handing the three their drinks. They all mutter a thanks and took a sip.

 We talked for a little longer and I was getting a bit bored. "Cam." I said. "Yeah." Cameron said. "I'm gonna go find Steph and Paige. You can go to Nash and Carter if you want." I said.

 He nodded and walked off. I turned to the four boys. "Who loves me?" I said, sweetly. "We do." They said, suspiciously.

 "Okay then. You won't mind if I do this." I said. I took Ashton's beer first and took a sip. Then, Luke's. Michael had one sip left, so I drank it.

 I then took Calum's. I took a sip and smirked. He looked at me, suspiciously. I spun around and said, "Bye." I waved at them and walked away.

 I heard Luke, Ashton ,and Michael ooh. I just laughed and walked to the bathroom. I had to drink this where no one could see me.

 I finished the beer and walked out. By now, the house was full of people. Either they were drunk or high. And I'm not happy someone decided to bring drugs into our house.

 I walked down the hall. The music is really loud. My head started pounding. I walked up the stairs and into my room.

I had locked the door so no one could get in. I bet the boys' weren't that smart.

 I locked the door again and walkked into the bathroom. I opened the cabinets on my search for either asprin or ibeprofin. Unfortunetly, I found none in my room.

 I decide to look in Connor's room. He always has the medicine I need. I unlocked the door and walked ou again. I locked the door and walked to Connor's room.

 Like I said, he did not lock the damn door. I walked in and saw two people in his bed, almost naked. "Oh my fuck! Get the hell out!" I shout at the two.

 They pull away from eating each others faces. They looked at me in shock.

 Oh. My. God. It's the queen bee and my boyfriend.

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