Chapter 63

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 Cameron's POV

 Lindy looked like she was gonna cry. 

 I walked up to her bed and plopped down next to her. "Hey." I said and did some kind of body movement, causing her to laugh.

 "YEP! I KNEW IT!" I yelled and stood up on the bed "You knew what, cam? And get down, before you fall." Lindy scolded me.

 "I knew that I could make you laugh when you're about to cry." My voice softened. She smiled.

 I walked over and cuddled up next to Lindy. I layed my head on her stomach and she played with my hair.

 "How'd you know I was gonna cry?" Lindy whispered to me. "I saw your eyes get glossy. What was wrong?" I asked her.

 "I was thinking about two very important people that have been with me forever. And then, I lost them." She said and her eyes glossed again.

 "Who?" I asked and took a piece of pizza from earlier. "Johnny and.... And Connor." She said, barely audible.

 "Who's Connor?" I asked. Goddamnit Cameron. Stop questioning her.Lindy laughed.

 "No. It's fine, Cam. Really." She said. "Yoy sure?" I asked. Another question. She nodded.

 "Connor is.... Or was my best friend when I was really young. We have the same birthday. Just different years. He lived next to me and shit. We did everything together. He heped me with everything. My homework. School projects. Boy drama. He moved in the seventh grade because his parents had gotten a job promotion of some sort. We really haven't talked since then." Lindy explained.

 "Oh. But, hasn't Nash known you since you were little?" I asked another damn question. "Yeah. But, we met when we were like five." She said.

 I just nodded my head. then, Nahs randomly appeared. "I heard the name that belongs to me. Soo, I'm here now." Nash said, doing jazz hands. 

 Lindy and I laughed. WHen we stopped laughing, Lindy looked at the clock. Her eyes lit up.

 "SAM! IT'S FOUR! IT'S FOUR!" She screeched. Everyone laughed and the doctor walked in. 

 "Woah. Are there more teenagers in her than before?" She asked.

 "Yeah. Probably." Gilinsky said. The doctor nodded.

 "Well. Lindy. You are free to go. I just need a legal guardian to sogn these and you can go." She explained.

 Sam raised his hand  an said, "The legal guardian." The doctor looked at him in shock.

 "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know. Just give me the papers so I can take my baby sister home." He said, sassily.

 Heh. Reminds me of Matt. WHAT? No. Matt's not gonna apologize. So, therefore, I am no longer his friend.

 "Okay, Lindy. You are free to go. And, hopefully, I won't have to see in the ICU for this same reason. Got that?" The doctor said.

 Lindy nodded. "Now go home." The doctor said.

 We laughed and walked out of the hospital. "Home." Lindy said with a smile.

 "TO NARNIA!" Connor shouted and ran up to lindy. He whispered something to Lindy and she nodded.

 She then hopped on his back and they screamed, "TO NARNIA!"

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