Chapter 35

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Lindy's POV

We all were talking and my phone kept buzzing in my back pocket.

"Guys. I'll be right back." I said. They nodded. I walked to the bathroom and locked the door.

I took out my phone and saw I had messages. I slid the slidy thingy and put my password in. 0914.

I went on iMessage and opened up the messages to see its a group chat. I cringe and tear up at the sight of the messages.

Gilinsky: You're gonna be hoping you're dead, you fat pig. I'm getting everything taken away. Even my phone.

Johnson: You skank. I can't come out the house for three months bc of you.

Taylor: Fuck you, you're a slut. All Hayes and those other boys want are to get on your pants.

Aaron: no wonder you don't have any friends besides those retards. Even they aren't your friends. They think you're pathetic.

Matt: you stupid ass hoe. I'm getting my phone taken away now. Along with everything else. I hope you're happy.


Carter: you fatass bitch. Why don't you run home and find your razors. And I have a little song for you:

Hush little baby,

Wipe your eyes.

Slit your wrists,

And cut your thighs.

Listen to me.

Just say goodbye.

Swallow those pills.

Swallow your pride.

No one will miss you.

Not even I.

No one will cry,

When you die.

That stung. I started to cry. I got up and put my phone in my pocket. I unlocked the door quietly and walked out of the house.

I ran all the way home. I unlocked the front door and ran in. I ran up to my room, slamming the door, then locking it.

I walked over to my stereo and blasted Jars of Hearts by Christina Perri.

I then walked over to my desk and pulled all the drawers from it out. I pushed them against the bedroom door and walked back over to the desk.

I got out a pen and a new pad of paper.

Boy, do I have alot of letters to write.


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