Chapter 76

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Paige's POV

 "Let's watch Mean Girls. And Frozen. And The Purge. And The Fault In Our Stars. And The Purge 2. And Mean Girls 2. AND THE LITTLE MERMAID." Steph said.

 I looked at her with the 'what the fuck' face. "No, Glen. Stop that." I heard Lindy muttered.

 I walked over to her. "Who's Glen?" I asked. "My imaginary friend. He keeps trying to take my fucking Nutella. Like get your own damn Nutella." Lindy mumbled as she pulled out the seven movies.

 "Umm. Kay then." I said and stood up. "Mahogany. Go make popcorn." I demanded.

 "What do I look like. Your servant?" Mahogany sassed. "Yep. Now go. Shoo, fly. Shoo." I said.

 "Whatever." She huffed and walked downstairs. Lindy put in Means Girls.

 She stood up. "I'm meeting my famous lover tonight. And he's gonna fall in love with me." Lindy sang as she spun around the room.

 Mahogany came back up and saw Lindy. "I don't even wanna know." Mahogany shrugged and sat down with the popcorn.

 The play screen finally came on and lindy hit play. We started to watch the movie.

 We were about half into the fifth movie, The Fault in Our Stars, when I looked at the time. 6:30 pm.

 Have we seriously been watching movie for six and a half hours. Oh well.

 "Guys. We should go and start getting ready. It's 6:30." I said. They nodded.

 Lindy played with her lip ring as she turned off the movie. We match now. I've had my lip ring for about four months, so I didn't get it with her.

 We pulled out the outfits we picked out of Wednesday.

 Mine was the black ripped leggings, grey cropped sweater, flannel with 'reject' on the back, white and black combat boots, and a black crossbody.

 I grabbed all of the stuff and said, "I'll be back." I walked out the room and to Jc's room.

 I knocked on the door. "Come in." Jc said. I walked in and he looked over at me, smiling. "Hey." He said.

 "Hey. Can I use your bathroom to take a shower?" I asked him. "Yeah. For sure." He said and got up.

 He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me. "Jc. You stink. Did you not shower when you came home from the gym?" I scrunched up my nose.

 "Nope." He smirked. I shook my head and walked towards the bathroom. "Maybe I can join you?" Jc said from behind me.

 I stopped and he bumped into my back. I fell forwards and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

 I regained m balance and turned around. "No." I said and pushed him out the bathroom.

 I locked the door and started the shower. I stripped off my clothes and hopped in.

 When I was done, I realized that I didn't have a towel. Shit.

 I walked to the door and opened it just a little. "Jc. Babe, can you get me a towel." I said. "Mhm." Jc said. He got a towel out the closet and came to the bathroom door.

 "Here." He said and handed it to me. "Thank you. You're the best." I said and closed the door again.

 I dried off and put my clothes on. I threw my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my stuff.

 I walked out the bathroom and set my stuff by the door. I walked over to Jc's bed an jumped on it.

 "I'll be home late tonight." I sighed. "Why?" Jc whined.

 "We're going to a concert." I said. "Okay. I'll stay up for you. Come to my room when you get back." He said.

 I nodded. He pulled me down onto his chest. He leaned upward and pulled me into a kiss. I happily kissed back.

 We pulled away and I smiled. "Bye, babe." I said and got up, grabbing my stuff.

 As I walked out the door, Jc said, "Bye, baby." 

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