Chapter 60

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Caroline's POV

 My eyes widened as everyone looked around. I guess they just noticed that Mike and Kian were gone.

 I started licking my bottom lip. Nervous habit.

 "Why are you nervous, C?" Josh asked me. I shook my head and started licking my lip again.

 "You are. you're licking your lip." He said with a smirk. I flipped him off and pulled out my phone.

 I texted Michael.

 Me: Are you okay? You never texted me

 Mikey: Yea. I'm fine.

  Me: Okay. Just making sure. Bye love ya

 Mikey: Lyt. Bye

 "He's fine." I sighed in relief. "How do you know." Jacob asked.

 Well. Because I texted him and asked him, ya retard. "I texted him." I said in a duh tone. "Oh." Was Jacob said.

 "I wanna go home." Lindy whined. "I'll go ask the doctor when we can take you home." Sam said.

 He got up and kissed her forehead before walking out. 

 Sam's POV

 I walked up to Lindy's doctor. "Excuse. Miss." I said. She turned around and smiled.

 "Yes." She said in a polite tone. "I was wondering when we could take Lindia Rodriguez home?" I asked her.

 She looked at her clipborad, flipping through many pages and stopping at one. 

 She looked up and smiled. "She gets disharged today at 4:00 pm." She said.

 "Thank you." I said. "No problem." She said and turned back around, starting to talk to the nurse from before.

 I walked back to Lindy's room. I opened the door and stepped in. They all stared at me intently.

 "Well?" They all said in unison. I laughed and got glares from some. 

 "'Why're y'all so bitchy today?" I mumbled to myself. I guess Lindy heard because she started laughing. Really hard, might I add.

 "When can  I go home, bubby?" Lindy said. "You get discharged at four." I said. 

 She smiled widely. "Thank The Lord. 'Cause if I had to stay here any long, I might've lost it." Lindy sighed in relief.

 "Same here." Paige, Steph, and Mahogany said in unison. I laughed at them.

 I wonder what's up with Caroline. She's been so quiet. 

 Maybe it's her cousin. He always gets on her nerves. Always bugging her. He even asked her to go on a date with one of her other friends.

And when she found out he was bullying Lindy, it didn't make it much better.

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