Chapter 14

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Nash's POV

I walked back to the truck, holding my nose. When I got in, everyone stared at me.

"Dude. What happened?" Cameron asked me. "Us coming here is what happened. Now let's just go." I said.

"No. I'm going up there." He said. "No dude. Some of them guys in there are older and way stronger than you." I warned him.

"I don't care. Who punched you?" Cameron asked, angrily. "Some dude named Jc." I said. "C'mon guys." Cameron said.

We all got out and walked to the front door. Cameron knocked.

Jc's POV

We were sitting in the living room, watching movies. We heard a knock at the door so I paused the movie.

"Who's at the door?" I asked. "Dunno. I'll go see." Connor said.

We all turned and faced the front door. Connor opened and said, "Can I help you?" "Yea. I'm looking for someone named Jc." A tall guy with brown hair said.

"I'm right here." I said, while getting off the couch. I walked over to the door and said, "Can I help you?"

Then I noticed the dude that I punched earlier. "Why're you here?" I scoffed. "He came back with friends." A short blonde kid smirked.

"Look. I don't want any trouble. That's what he got. He got what he deserved. Don't touch my little one anymore." I said. Sam walked up.

"Wait. Y'all are the kids that are beating on my sister?" He said. "Is that a problem?" a caramel hair-colored kid said. "Yeah! Actually it is!" Ricky screamed and ran for the first one he saw, which was this kid who had a lazy eye and looked really buff.

Ricky tackled him to the ground while the other ones tried to get him off. We just watched. When Ricky is mad, he becomes this beast and is so strong.

"ARE YOU GUYS GONNA GET YOUR FRIEND OR WHAT!?" They yelled. "Nope." I said. "Well then. I guess we can fight back." I tall guy with brown eyes said.

"Okay. C'mon." I said. They all started coming closer and closer as Connor, Trevor, Hayes, josh, Jacob, Kian, and Michael got up and lunged at them. Me and Sam did the same as Coraline, Mahogany, and Lindy watched.

I saw one beat Trevor to the ground and get up. He walked over to the girls. He went over to Lindy and picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder. Lindy grabbed his bushy hair and yanked it really hard.

"Hold on, Lind I'm coming." Trevor said and got up and ran for the kid. The kid dropped Lindy and she fell on her butt. But, now Trevor and the bushy haired kid are fighting again.

I watched as the three girls ran up the stairs and then I heard a door slam shut.


I guess some of the got scared because like three of them ran for the front door, joining the guy I punched, while the over five remained standing where they were.

"Cam. Matt. Shawn. Gilinsky. Carter. Let's go." The bushy head kid said. "Whatever." An Asian looking kid scoffed.

"Buh bye now." Kian said and slammed the door in their faces.

"Where are the girls?" Ricky asked and placed his fingers on his lips to prevent more blood from from coming out.

"They ran upstairs like 10 minutes ago. But I don't know to which room, though." I said. "Okay. Let's go look." I said and then noticed Hayes was on the ground, leaning against the wall, groaning and holding his head.

"Hayes. You okay?" I asked him. "Hmm yea. I'm fine. Just someone take me to Lindy's room." He said. I picked him up and varied him to Lindy's room, which the girls were in.

"Hey guys. Are you oka-..... OH MY GOD HAYES!" Lindy yelled. She ran over and I put him in his feet. She wrapped his arm around her shoulder and her arm around his waist.

"Poo bear, are you okay?" she asked, very concerned. "Yea I'm fine. Just a headache." He said. "Okay." She said.

"Guys. Are you okay?" she asked us. "I'm fine." I said. "Me too." Connor and Kian said. "Same here." Sam and Trevor said. "I'm good." Josh, Michael, and Jacob said. "I feel like Hayes right now." Ricky said and started to walk, but almost fell.

"Ricky, you need to go and lay down." Lindy said. "But I'm fine." He said. "See." And he started to walked again, but this time he fell.

"No you're not. Now. Get up and go to your room and lay down." Lindy ordered. "But-"

"No. Ricky. Room. Now." She sternly said. He nodded an I walked away to help him to his room.


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