Chapter 77

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 Mahogany's POV 

 Steph, Lindy, and I were getting dressed in her room.

 Paige left to god knows where. But when she came back, she was fully clothed and bathed.

 "Makeup time." Steph squealed. We nodded and walked into Lindy's bathroom.

 I grabbed my makeup bag and set it on the counter. "I was thinking red lipstick, thin eyeliner, and a bit of mascara." I said.

 "I thought maybe some nude lipstick, thin, winged eyeliner, and mascara."  Paige said.

 "Peach lipstick, macara, eyeliner, and eye glitter or something." Steph says. "Red lipstick, winged eyeliner, and mascara." Lindy shrugged.

 I nodded. I pulled out the four tubes of lipstick. They pulled out the rest.

 We started our makeup.

 After about 15 minutes, we were done. We started on our hair.

 Steph put hers into a tight, high ponytail. Paige did hers in a braided bun. Lindy did a side fishtail. I did mine regularly.

 I looked at the time. 8:30. Damn. Two hours.

 Lindy went into the cabinet. She grabbed her anxiety pills and her inhaler.

 "Let's goooo." I said. We walked out to Lindy's car.

 I got in the drivers seat and buckled up. Steph was in the passengers seat, leaving Lindy and Paige to the backseat.

 I started to drive and Steph turned up radio. We got stuck in traffic halfway through the drive.

 When we got there, the time was 9:30. Good timing.

 We got out the car and started walking to the entrance. It was quiet, until Paige spoke up.

 "Did I tell y'all that the tickets were front row." Paige said, nonchalantly. We looked at each other.

 "WHAT! NO" We all shouted at the same time. She laughed and said, "Well. They are." 

 We walked up to the ticket lady. She took our tickets and nodded, signaling for us to go in.

 We walked to the first row. "9:55. Five more minutes until I see my little penguin." Paige daydreamed.

 "Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out." Steph kept on repeating.

 Lindy was knawing on her lip. She could've bitten it off if she wanted to.

 Just then, I heard heavy footsteps in front of us.

 Ashton's POV

 Luke, Micheal, Calum, and I were sitting on the tour bus, doing nothing. Like always.

 We were at our last stop, California. We were planning on staying in California for a little bit and I guess, explore.

"Mikey. What time is it?" Calum whined. "9:30." Micheal shrugged. We all groaned.

 "We have 20 minutes What do you wanna talk about?" Luke said. "Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Do you think there'll be pretty girls?" Micheal smirked.

 "Well of course, Mike." I said in a very duh tone. "It's just depending on what kind of girl you're looking for." Luke said.

 "One with colorful hair." Mikey said, loudly. "I don't know. We'll have to wait and see when we get there." Calum said.

 Luke, Mikey, and I nodded. "Oh shit. It's 9:55. Let's go." I said, looking at my phone.

 We all got up quickly. We ran out of the bus and to the backstage area.

 Luke ran on stage first. Then Calum. Then Micheal. Then me.

 "HEY GUYS AND GIRLS." Micheal shouted into the microphone. They all screamed.

 "I'M LUKE." Luke's gaze went from over the crowd to someone in the crowd.

 "I'm CALUM." Same with Cal. What's with them

 "I AM MICHEAL CLIFFORD." Mikey made eye contact with me and twitched his head towards front row.

 "AND I'M ASHTON." I said and looked at front row.

 There were four extremely pretty girls. Standing right in the middle.

 But, one caught my eye. She had on a 5 Seconds of Summer crop top, a sleeveless leather jacket, and some type of galaxy skirt.

 Her brown eyes looked into my hazel ones. She smiled, revealing her pearly white teeth.


 Calum's POV

 Damn. She's beautiful. Her brown hair and blue eyes.

 And she's wearing my number. She's mine.

 We made eye contact as I sang. I smiled at her. She just looked down wile she was blushing.

Micheal's POV

 It's fluffy and colorful! YAY!

 She's gorgeous, too.  Her dress looks perfect on her.

 I watched as she sang along. She looked at me and bit her lip.

 I smiled, childishly while I sang.

 Luke's POV

 That girl. That girl is stunningly pretty.

 And her flannel. I love it because I was literally wearing the same exact one.

 She kept on playing with her lip ring. "OKAY. OUR NEXT SONG IS DON'T STOP." Micheal shouted through the microphone.

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