Chapter 104

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Lindy's POV

 I felt as if I was floating around like a feather.

 I squinted my left eye open a bit. I saw big nostrils and a nose ring. So, I'm either being carried by Kian, conno, or a psychopath with some big old nostrils.

 I person slowly looked down at me. I quickly close my eye. They laughed and said, "I know you're awake."

 Connor. The accent gives it away. "Dammit." I muttered. Connor laughed and opened my bedroom door.

 He carried me over to my bed and set me down. "Thank you. But, you could've put me down when I woke up." I stated, bluntly.

 "I could have. But, I didn't." He shrugged his shoulders, dramtically. "Okay then." I laughed and layed back.

 "Cuddle?" I asked, sleepily. "Cuddle." Connor reassured. He walked over to my bed and climbed in. He wrapped his arms securely around me.

 I pulled a fuzzy blanket and my laptop up to us. "Wanna watch Netflix?" I asked. "Yep." He said, nodding. 

 I opened my laptop and put in my password. "You know, 'music' is a really easy password." Connor smirked.

 "I don't care. Not like I have anything to hide." I shrugged. I opened Netflix and turned to Connor.

 "What do you wanna watch?" I asked. He pulled the laptop off my lap and started scrolling through movies. "Ooh. This one." He said and clicked the movie.

 It started and I realized what movie it was. Oujia. "Good choice." I smirked slightly. He looked at me with slightly wide eyes.

 "Oh. You thought I was gonna act scared and cuddle into." I summarized. "Actually, no. I didn't. I just didn't know you liked our music." He said.

 "Oh." Was all I said once the movie started.

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