Chapter 31

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Stephs POV

"Ugh I hate being sick. It sucks ass." Paige sniffled. She had a cold thanks to some kid at school.

We all, including the guys Lindy lives with, were at Paige's house comforting her. There was a knock at the door, and I opened it to reveal all 9 of my best friend's bullies. They must've gone to everyone else's houses and realized we weren't there. Asses.

"One. What the hell do you want? Two. Sammy, why are you here?" I said the last part so it was almost inaudible. "We came for revenge. And he's here because he's on our side." The Beiber kid I slapped earlier smirked. They all stepped closer. Oh. Hell. No. Shit's. About. To. Go. Down. "BOYS. FRONT DOOR. NOW." I screamed. Suddenly there was an army of boys behind me.

"Alright. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Steph and don't bother introducing yourself because I don't give a shit. Now listen up because I'm gonna say this once and once only and if you miss it well I almost feel bad for your sorry ass. Oh wait I don't because you make my best friend's life a living hell. You have sick, twisted, sadistic minds and you disgust me. You make we want to repeatedly punch a wall. I can't believe I was ever proud to call you my friends. Don't even try to apologize for what you've done to Lindy because you'll say you don't even know why you bullied her and you obviously have a reason and it's probably the most moronic and stupid thing I will ever hear in my entire life." I stated.

"We weren't even going to apologize. That ugly, fat bitch doesn't deserve our breath." Hayes' brother said. Dick. "Boys with me, pick an ass and beat the shit out of him. But leave pretty boy to me. When I'm done with him, he won't be so pretty anymore." I said, referencing to the Beiber asswipe.

"Oh my god. She called me pretty." He said in a high-pitched voiced. "I WILL BITCH SLAP YOUR ASS." Paige called from her room.

I laughed. "Shut up." The pretty boy said. "No. I don't have to listen to stupid people." I said. "Then stop talking." He smirked.

I walked over to him, so I was now face-to-face with him. I raised my hand and bitch slapped him right then and there. "YOU DONT HAVE TO, PAIGE! I DID IT FOR YOU!" I screamed to her.

I heard laughing. The pretty boy looked at me and ran towards the room. "Oh hell no." I said. I ran after him and grabbed his shirt collar.

"You douche bag." I said and punch him in the cheek. "AGAIN WITH THE PUNCHING IN THE GODDAMN CHEEK!" He yelped. "Shut up." I said and grabbed his ear.

I pulled him by his ear and to the front door. Everyone was still standing there in shock of what I did. "What the fuck are y'all staring at? I mean. I know I'm hot. But damn." I smirked.

"Now. All y'all leave before I rip your friend's earlobe off." I said and pushed them out the door, slamming it behind them.






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