Chapter 3

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Lindy's POV

I watched as two of my bullies walked into homeroom. Cameron Dallas and Shawn Mendes. Great. Note of sarcasm.

"Hey whore, you're in my seat." Cameron said. "I don't see your name on it." I spat at him. "I don't give a fuck if my name is on it or not. Get the hell out my seat." He said. "No!" I said a little louder.

"Yo. Shawn. Help me dude." Cameron said. Shawn was always the quiet one. He never has hit me. He's always was the one to offer to hold me down when they did beat me. "Bro, just let her sit there. I don't feel like dealing with this shit right now." Shawn said.

"Whatever. I'll see you after school." Cameron said and turned around to sit in a different seat. But once Cameron turned around, Shawn gave me and apologetic half smile. I smiled back.

I've known all of them since kindergarten. I don't know what made them turn on me. I used to tell Matt everything that went on. Same with Taylor. But, Matt told Taylor to spill all the secrets one year. Taylor didn't wanna do it, but he didn't wanna lose one of his best friends. So, he told everyone what happened and they all laughed at me.

My mom was a drug and achohol addict. An my dad died in a plane crash. My mom would come home every night drunk and beat me. I had an older brother, but one night my mom was so high and so drunk, that she started to beat me and my brother, his name was Johnny, pushed my mom off of me and she started to beat him until he died. My own mother beat my other half to death.

While that happened, I couldn't stand to watch, so I grabbed the house phone and ran upstairs and into the linen closet. I climbed up to the top shelf and crawled to the corner. I dialed 911. I remember the conversation so clear, it was like it was yesterday.

They finally answered and here's how the conversation went.


911: 911 what's your emergency?

Me: my mom is beating my brother. He's really bloody and she won't stop beating him.

911: okay. Sweetheart, what's your address?

Me: it's 413 west chapel road. Please hurry. My brother is the only thing that I have left.

911: okay, honey. Well be there shortly.

Then I hung up. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I stayed as quiet as possible.

"Oh Lindy. Come out. Come out where ever you are." My mother said. I didn't answer. "Lindia. COME OUT NOW!" She said once again.

Then I heard a crash downstairs. My mom ran down to see what it was. I ran down too. I saw about 10 cops, a broken down front door, and my bloody, dead brother.

I ran up to Johnny. "JOHNNY! NO PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE DON'T. DON'T LEAVE ME JOHNNY, PLEASE." I shouted and hugged him, pulling his head into my lap. "Please, Johnny. Don't leave. I have no one else." I whispered, now having tears run down my face.

A policeman pulled me off of my brother and held onto me like he was holding on for dear life. "What's you're name, little bean?" he asked me. "Lindia. But everyone calls me Lindy." I said. "How old are you, Lindy?" He asked. "I'm six." I said into his chest. Then, he turned around and whispered something to another cop.

"How would you like to live with me and my son?" he asked once again. "Yes! But I don't even know you or your last name. Let alone your first name." I said. "Well, Lindy. I'm Chris. And my last name is Pottorff. I have a son named Sam. He's eight. And I have a husky puppy named cloud." Chris said.

"Okay. Now I know you. Lets go." I said, making him laugh. "Not just yet. I have to fill out papers in order to keep you. Okay?" he said. "Okay." I said and nodded.

Chris filled out the adoption papers and said, "okay. Now we can go." Then he picked me up. "You'll love Sam." He added. "Okay." I simply replied. "But, his friend Kian is over a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT." He said. I giggled. "That's fine. But, can I stay in the school I'm in now because I have friends there that I'll miss." I asked.

"That's fine. What are you friends names?" he asked me. "Aaron, Nash, Cameron, Taylor, Matthew, Carter, Shawn, Jack, and Jack." I said. "Are all of those boys?" He asked. "Yep." I said and bobbed my head up and down like a bobble head.

"Okay we are here." He said and got out the car to get me. He picked me up and carried me inside. "SAM! I'VE GOT A SURPRISE!" He yelled.

"You got me a surprise, daddy? What is it?" Sam asked very eagerly. "I adopted a girl today because she had nowhere else to go. The surprise is that you have a sister." Chris said, pointing at me.

"Hi. I'm Lindia. But everyone calls me Lindy." I said, shyly. "Hi. I'm Samuel. But everyone calls me Sam. Or Sammy. Or sammers. But you can call me whatever you want." Sam said. "Can I call you bubby?" I asked. "Sure. Can I call you sissy?" he asked. "Yep." I said.

"Good. Oh and by the way. Kian's here, dad." Bubby said and took me from Chris's arms. "What did I tell you, Lind." Chris said. I giggled. "Here, sissy. Get on my back." Bubby ordered. I nodded and hopped on his back.

Bubby walked into the kitchen and I saw a tall blonde kid looking in the fridge. "Kian, this is my sister Lindy. Lindy, this is my friend Kian." Bubby said. "Hi." Kian said and waved. "Hi. Bubby, can you oh me down." I said. "Oh yeah. Right." Bubby said and put me down.

"How old are you, Lindy?" Kian asked as I walked up to him. "I'm six. How old are you?" I asked him. "I'm eight. So is Sam." Kian said. "Hmm. What can I call you?" I asked. "Hmm. I dunno. What about kiki." He suggested. "Kiki it is." I said. "Okay then. What do you call sammers over there?" Kiki asked. "I call him bubby and he ca-" I was cut off by Sam.

"I call her sissy." He said. "Oh. Well Sam I gotta go. Bye Lindy." Kian said and ruffled my hair. "Bye Kiki. I'll see you when I see you." I said.


My thoughts were interrupted by a bell. I had I get to history.

I got up and walked to a bench and sat there, waiting for Hayes.

He walked up to me. "Ready." He said, holding out his hand. "Ready." I said, taking his hand.

We started to walk off, holding hands and our fingers intertwined, when someone said something.

"Aww. Look hayesey poo's girlfriend is the slut of the school." Matt said.

Oh god here we go again


Is it bad that I cried while writing this chapter? Oh well.


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