Chapter 6

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Lindy's POV

Me, Hayes, Aaron, and Taylor got detention. But, we don't know where detention is, so we are gonna get mahogany, Jacob, Josh, Michael, and Caroline and go to the mall.

And by we I mean me and Hayes. I don't know what the other two dumbasses are doing.

"Hey. Why're you guys following us?" I asked them. "We have nothing better to do." Aaron shrugged. "Go get your friends. That's what me and Hayes are doing." I said. "Whatever." Taylor scoffed and walked away with Aaron.

"I can't believe we got detention. Well I can believe I got it. But you. You never get detention. And Sam is gonna kill me." I said. "Whatever." Hayes chuckled as we arrived at the room Mahogany and josh were in.

I walked in and Hayes followed behind me. "Uh. Miss Revirna. The principal needs to see Maho- I mean Cheyenne Gordy and Josh Davidson." I said, innocently. "Okay. Cheyenne. Josh. Go." Miss Revirna said. They nodded and walked out.

"Why does the princip-" Josh started to say, but Hayes cut him off. "The principal doesn't want y'all, you idiot. Me and Lindy got detention from a sub. Along with Aaron an Taylor, but we ditched them. So, we going to get Caroline, Jacob, and Michael." He said.

"Okay. Me and josh will get jake. And y'all two will get Caroline and Michael." Mahogany said. "And don't EVER call me Cheyenne again." She added. I laughed. "Okay. Whatever. That's your real name. Teachers don't call you mahogany." I said. She scoffed and walked away with josh, sassily. I laughed along with Hayes.

"Lets go get them." Hayes said. I nodded and we went to get Caroline and Michael.

We walked up to their class and walked in. "Mr. Dennis. Can we have Caroline Diaz and Michael smith. It's urgent. The principal needs them." I said, against innocently. "Sure. Diaz. Smith. Go." He said and shooed them off, not taking his eyes off his work.

They walked out. "Why?" Caroline asked. "The mall. Hayes and I got detention from the sub." I simply replied. They nodded.

I text mahogany.

To: the slayer💥

Hey, whore. Where y'all at.

From: the slayer💥

Hey, hoe. We're down my the secret place.

To: the slayer💥

Kay. Meet you there.

From: the slayer💥

Kay. Byeee✌✌✌

"There at the place." I said. They nodded and wee started to walked.

You see, when me, Michael, and Caroline started this school, we didn't know anybody. And by anybody, I mean like no one else but my bullies. We ran into mahogany, josh, and Jacob. We've been friends ever since. Then, Hayes started this school. We were all running around one day, and ran into this room.

We didn't think anyone knew about. Not even the principal. It's been our secret place ever since. The door is hidden and everything.

We walked down the hall and made a right and went towards the vending machines. Hayes looked around and nodded, telling us it's safe to go. We pulled the wall out of its place and walked in it. Luckily, there were no cameras and that we're tiny.

Caroline went in, then Michael, then Hayes, and lastly me. I was stepping towards it, but someone pulled me away.

I quickly put the wood back so the person wouldn't see. I turned my head to see who it was.

There stood Aaron, Shawn, Cameron, Nash, Taylor, Johnson, Gilinsky, Matthew. and carter. All smirking. Well except for Shawn. He was frowning, looking down at the ground.

"Hey, bitch." Cameron said, smirking.

Oh great. Here we go again.


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Thanks loves.😘😘


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