Chapter 52

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Shawn's POV

 Why the fuck would they do that? Why the fuck would they do that? Why the literal flying fuck would they do that? That was what kept on repeating in my head.

  I had ran off. I didn't know where I was going, but I needed to get away from them. Her bullies. 

 I ran to my house first. After unlocking the door, I ran up to my room. I grabbed my guitar and my songbook.

 No one's home yet, so I don't have to worry about telling anyone where I'm going. 

 I just wrote a note saying that I'll be out a little than usual.

I walked out the front door and slammed it shut. I ran to my car and hopped in the driver's seat.

I started the car and drove to my thinking place. A run-down park. 

 I like it because everyne forgot about it. I don't get bothered by people when I'm there. It's calm and relaxing. Just to sit there and watch the water in the little pond.

but, most importantly. it's where I write my music That's what I'm gonna do now.

 I pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car with my guitar and songbook. I walked down the path in the forest until there wasn't anymore wood to walk on.

 Then, I reached a grassy path. I walked down that and got to my thinking place.

 I climbed to the top of the rock climb wall and sat there. I put my songbook by my side and my guitar in my lap.

 I started strumming lightly, adjusting to my surroundings. I just started singing what came out of my head.

 As I sang, I wrote whatever came out of my mouth. I wrote and wrote and wrote until i couldn't see what I was writing anymore.

 I got off the rock wall and walked back to my car. I climbed into my car and turned on the light.

 I looked over my writings. 

 I started to sing them

  'You can't walk these streets at night

 You're way too short to get on this ride

 No I'm not. No I'm not.

 You're tryna tell me that I, I gotta be home when the street lights glow

 You can't watch your TV show

 I will watch what I wanna watch

No. I won't listen to you.

Do what I wanna do

And I will walk this road ahead

Hundred miles on my hands

Do I needa show you?

Guess I gotta show you

 And if you don't believe me now,

 I'll flip the whole world upside down

Do I needa show you?

Guess I gotta show you'

  That was all that I had written down. I'll have to write more later.

 I turned off the light and started to drive. When I got home, I saw three cars out front of my house. Three very familiar cars.

My Bullies (Magcon and O2L Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now