Ch. 49

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Nash's POV

Goddamnit. Goddamnit.

I wanted Paige. But no. I never get what I want. Never.

I should be worried that my little brother is sobbing in the corner. But, I just can't think straight.

I sat there, biting my lip and continuously running my hands through my hair. I probably looked like a freaking tomato. But, I dont care.

Kians POV

I'm so happy. So happy that Lindy is okay.

She scared the fuck out of me. I don't know what we would've done without her. I don't know what I would've done without her.

She's like the glue that holds us together. Whenever we have an arguement or a fight, she helps us get through it. She's hanging by a string, waiting for someone to apply more glue.

Lindy's waiting for someone to do one of the two things: break her string or help her fix it.

But, on the other hand, that Nash kid looks like a damn tomato. It's quite funny.

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