Chapter 15

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Coraline's POV

We all were sitting in Lindy's room. Well, except for Ricky. I think he had a concussion.

While everyone was talking, I just kept staring at josh. I really like. But, only mahogany and Lindy know that.

I felt so bad that he had a black eye, bruised cheek, and a busted lip. All of the guys were like that. But Hayes. Hayes' forehead was busted open in two spots, he had a black eye, his top and bottom lips were busted, his cheek was bruised, and right his jawline and neck meet is bruised really bad.

Lindy had his head in her lap, stroking his hair while holding an ice pack on his eye.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by someone poking my sides. "Huh?" I asked, clearly confused. "Mahogany asked you something." Connor said.

"Oh. Okay. What was it?" I asked. "I asked if you wanted to sleep I the guest room with me?" she asked again. "Sure. But what about Hayes." I said.

"He's gonna stay in here." Lindy said. "Oh okay. Well can me and queen over there have some sweats?" I asked.

"I would've thought that you wanted some of the boys' sweats or something." Lindy shrugged. "Oh wait. That was an option." I said.

"Yep." Mahogany said. "Kian go get me my sweats." She added. Kian nodded and ran to his room.

"Can I have some of your sweats, Con?" I asked. He nodded and ran to his room. "Sam you already know. You wanna get them or am I?" Lindy said. "I'll go get them. Brb, peeps." Sam said and then ran away.

"Trevor, I'm guessing you and Hayes are the same size. Can you get him some?" Se asked Trevor. "For sure." He said and went to his room.

That left me, Lindy, Mahogany, Jacob, Josh, Michael, Hayes, and Jc. "So." I said, awkwardly.

Hayes was sleeping. He was curled up to Lindy. She was still playing with his hair.

Finally, Kian came back in. "Here, mahogz." He said and tossed her a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. "Thank you, Kiki." She said and kissed his cheek.

"Hey Jc. Me and josh are a little taller. Could we borrow some of your clothes?" Jacob asked. Jc nodded and ran out, bumping into Connor. "Sorry man." Jc said.

"Here, little C." Connor said. "Thanks, big C." I said and went into the bathroom to change.

Lindy's POV

Hayes fell asleep with his head in my lap because I was playing with his hair. Sam walked back in with Trevor and they both tossed me the sweats that they had.

"Thanks. Now everyone out so Hayes can change." I said. "You are not changing in here with him." Sam said. "I'm changing in the bathroom, dummy." I said. He nodded. "Now. Out." I said.

They all walked out and I closed the door. "Hayes." I said softly and shook him lightly. "Hmm." He hummed.

"I have your sweats for you." I said. "Thanks. Where am I sleeping?" he said, groggily. "In here. If that's okay." I said. "It's fine." He smiled. "Well I'm gonna go change in the bathroom." I said and walked into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and saw my makeup stained all down my face. I took a makeup removing wipe and wiped all of it off. I took off my clothes and put the sweats on.

I walked out and everyone was in here again. I saw Sam and remembered I had to remind him about tomorrow.

"Bubby, may I talk to you... Privately." I said. He nodded and we walked out of my room. "What's up, sissy?" he asked.

"Umm... tomorrow.... is Johnny's birthday." I said with a couple tears falling out of my eyes. "Its okay. Don't cry. I know that it is. Don't worry. Okay? it's okay." He said and hugged me. "Okay. Lets go back in." I said and we walked back in.

"I'm tired." I randomly said, making everyone stop their conversations and turn to me. "You want us to get out?" Connor asked. "Mhm. But, I wanna say goodnight to Ricky first." I said and walked out my room and across the hall to Ricky's room.

I opened the door and saw Ricky on his phone. "Ricky Dillon, didn't I tell you to rest." I said, causing him to jump. "I'm kidding. I came to say goodnight." I said.

"Okay. Goodnight, little bean." He said and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight, mr. Dillon." I said and kissed his cheek.

I walked out his room and back into mine. Everyone was gone except for Hayes.

"Ready for bed, poo bear?" I asked him. "Yep. Goodnight, baby girl." He said and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight, poo bear." I said and kissed his cheek.

After about 10 minutes, we drifted off to sleep.


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