Chapter 38

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Hayes' POV

I was still sobbing my eyes out and breathing uncontrollably. I looked at my letter then at my wrists.

I thought she would forget. But, she didn't. I remember the day she found out.


Why. Why me? Of course. My douche bag brother and his friends had to embarrass me infront of the whole school.

I ran home and into my room. I walked into my bathroom and opened the vent. I pulled out my box. My box of blades that is. I pulled one out and dragged it across my skin.

One for my douche bag of a brother.

Two for my brother's dumbass friends.

Two for the embarrassment.

Three for being me.

I had four cuts on each arm. I rinsed off the blade and dried it. I was about to put it in the box, when someone spoke.

"I have the same blades." She said. "Lindy." I spoke softly. "Eight, Hayes. Eight. What happened." She asked.

I told her what Nash and his friends did. She pulled me into a hug. My face was in the crook of her neck and her chin was resting on my shoulder.

"I've done way worse." She said and kissed the top oh my head. We pulled away and she looked at me. "Lets bandage them." She said. I nodded and she got the first aid kit.

She got out the gauze and tape. She started to wrap it around my wrists. "Promise me one thing, Hayes." She said. I nodded. "Promise me you'll never do this again." She said.

"I promise, Lindy." I said as she finished. She smiled at me and put the first aid kit back.


I broke that promise. Many times. That was only last year, too.

I didn't make her promise because I knew she wouldn't keep it. That's because of my stupid brother and his friends.

Cameron got up and sat in the seat next to me. I quickly pulled my jacket sleeve down. "You okay, Hayes?" he asked. "Y-yeah. I'm fine. It's just something me and Lindy promised each other something that we both broke." I said and wiped my eyes.

"Okay. What di-" he interrupted by the doctor. "Lindia Ramirez." We all got up and ran to him.

"Is she alright?" we said in unison.

Matt's POV

"Mom. I'm gonna take a walk." I called to mother

As I walked out the door. Eilat. Be safe." She called back.

I was really walking to meet the guys at Aaron's. he was off the hook. I still didnt have my phone back.

When I arrived at his house, I walked in. They were sitting on the couch. Everyone was here. Everyone, except for Cameron.

"Hey guys. Where's cam?" I asked them. "He's not talking to us for some reason." Taylor laughed. "Aaron can I borrow your phone?" I asked him. He nodded and threw me his phone.

I went in cams contact and called him. He answered.

C- what the fuck do y'all want now?

M- uhh. It's matt. And wrong wrong.

C- you guys are the reason. Now shut the fuck up an leave me alone!

And with that he hung up. "Who's in a pissy mood today?" I mumbled and tossed Aaron his phone.

We all sat there quietly and I blurted out something I should t have. "Steph's hot when she's mad." I blurted.

"What's you say?" Taylor and Sam said at the same time. "Did I say that aloud?" I asked. They nodded.

"I've always had a crush on Steph. You can't come in and take her, matt." Taylor said. "Whatever. I can do what I want." I said and walked out the house, sassily.


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