Chapter 92

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Jacob's POV

 The guys and I were setting up decorations for the party tonight. 

 The four guys the came home with the girls were helping, too. I walked over to Sam.

 "Did you invite them to the party?" I asked him in a hushed tone. "Yeah. They're old friends of mine and Lindy's." Sam said.

 Then, the girls came down the stairs. They were in their costumes. Mahogany looked amazing.

 She was wearing a black dress, black heels, Black fish net things, a black leather jacket, and black heels. And to top it off, cat ears.

 I guess she saw me staring, because she started playing with her hair. Her nervous habit.

 I smiled and walked over to her. "Hey." I said. "Hi." She said. "You look amazing." I said in awe.

 "Thanks." Mahogany blushed. "No problem." I said with a smile.

Paige's POV

 Hey. I look cute. With my bralet and these jeans, YAS BITCH!

 "We're taking over. Take your asses upstairs and put your costumes on." I stated. All the boys gave me an 'are you serious?' look. 

 "Yes. She's fucking serious. Go put your damn costumes on." Steph backed me up. "SHOO, FLIES. SHOO." Lindy said.

 "Uhh, Lindy." Ball said. "Yeah." Lindy said. "We don't have our costumes with us." He said.

 "Well. Where are they?" She asked. "At our hotel." Tristan butted in. "SHUT UP, TRISTAN!" Connor and Lindy yelled.

 "Well then." Tristan pouted and put his head down. Bradley and James were cracking up. 

 "Y'all don't know me at 16, do you?" Lindy smirked. They all shook their heads.

 "Well. When I yell at someone and someone else laughs, I tend to... Paige what's the word?" Lindy turned to me.

 She gave me a look saying play along. "Lash out?" I suggested. "That's it. I tend to lash out." Lindy finished her sentence.

 They looked at her with wide eyes. "I'm kidding." She laughed. They sighed in relief.

 "But, seriously. If I yell at someone, don't laugh. Ask any of them over there." Lindy pointed to the other group of guys.

 They all nodded. "Now. Go get your costumes." I said. They walked out to their car and drove back to their hotel.

 The others headed upstairs to change. "Let's get to work, BITCHES." Caroline said.

 We nodded and got to work.

 Bradley's POV

 We drove back to the hotel to get our costumes.

 "So guys..." James trailed off as he drove. Now, that's how you know something's on his mind.

 "What's up, James?" I said. "Yeah. So, I think I like someone." He admitted.

 "ME TOO." Tristan, Connor, and I blurted out at the same time. "Okay. On the count of three, we say them." Tristan said. We nodded. "1.... 2.... 3!" Connor said.

 "Paige." James said. "Lindy." Connor said. "Paige." Tristan said quietly.

 We stopped at red light. They all looked at me. "Well." Connor said, a little nervous.

 "Uhhh....." I trailed.

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