Chapter 100

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Sam's POV

 I ran right up the stairs after Lindy told me where he was.

 I can't believe him. He promised that he wouldn't do this. He said that he would keep her safe and not hurt her.

"I'm gonna rip his fucking face off." I muttered to Kian as we stomped down to Connor's room. "Who's face do you wanna rip off?" Steph randomly appeared.

 "Cameron's." I gritted my teeth. "Why?" Her voice became worried, but angry at the same time.

 "He. Was. In. Connor's. Fucking. Bed. With. Vanessa." I said as we reached the door. I went to open it, but Steph stopped me.

 "As in Vanessa Cohl?" She asked, quietly as she grabbed my hand. I nodded, slowly. Her eyes closed, she took a deep breath, and opened them again.

 "Wait one minute." She said. Me and Kian nodded, confusely.

Steph's POV

 I can't believe him.


 I heard footsteps. Then, Paige appeared in front of me, panting. "What the fuck do you want?" She breathed out.

 "Cameron is a complete an total douche again." I said. She nodded, knowingly. I let go of Sam's hand and he opened the door.

 We walked into the room. Cameron was making out with Vanessa. "Cameron Alexander fucking Dallas." Paige sneered.

 He shot up, looking at us with wide eyes. "Oh. H-hey guys." Cmaeron stuttered a bit.

 "Don't hey guys me. You. Are. A. Fucking. Manwhore." I said. "How the fuck is he a manwhoreee?" Vanessa said obnoxiously.

"You know what, Vanessa? Mind you're fucking business." I spat at her. "What?" Vanessa said.

 "Oh my god. I forgot that I have to talk slower. Mind. You're. Fucking. Business." I repeated.

 "Well. I should be saying that to you. You guys are the ones who barged in here while we were intimate." Vanessa said.

 "Ooh. You know big words." Paige said in a baby voice. I laughed and continued. 

 "But, Vanessa. Did you know he HAS a girlfriend. Oops. I meant to say HAD." I said. "Oh and Cameron. Vanessa has an STD. So, good luck wiht that." I added.

 Kian and Sam were cracking up. "I do not." Vanessa squealed. "Yes. You do. You also have a boob job. Some type of fake ass. And, another boob job." Paige retorted.

 "Whatever, you bitch." Vanessa said. "You do not call my best friend a bitch."I said and walked over to her.

 I grabbed her by her extensions and pulled her out the room. I shoved her out the door and said, "Have a nice day." with the fakest smile.

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