Chapter 56

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Cameron's POV

 Damn. My face hurts.

 Did that girl have rings on or something? Like damn.

  Lindy, Ricky,and I were sitting by Lindy's bed having a converstaion about Pokemon. I knew nothing about Pokemon, but Lindy told me just to go along with it and nod once in a while.

 I looked to see how everyone else was doing. Every time I did, I felt as if someone was galring daggers through me.

 I looked to see who it was. Hayes. He was glaring at me like I killed his mom.

 I mouthed 'what?'. He just looked away and scoffed faintly. I saw a couple tears roll down his cheeks.

 Now I felt bad. But, I didn't even know what happened or what I did wrong.

 I was snapped out of my thoughts by a prodding in my side. "What?" I complained. 

 "Ricky asked you a question." Lindy huffed. "Oh. What was it, Ricky." I said.

 "I asked who do you think is better, Squirdle or Pikachu?" Ricky asked. I looked at Lindy, who was looking at something behind me.

 "Easy. Pikachu." I said with a shrug. "Nope. Squirdle. I need to teach y'all." Ricky said, causing me to laugh.

 Lind leaned over and put her hand to my ear. "Can y'all two leave and tell hayes to come over here?" Lindy whispered.

I nodded. "Hey, Ricky. Did you see the view out the window?" I made an excuse. He shook his head and followed me to the window.

 As we walked to the window, I tapped Hayes' shoulder and pointed to Lindy. He nodded and walked over to her.

 Hayes' POV

 "Hey, baby girl." I said. "Poo bear.." Lindy trailed off. "What's wrong?" I asked.

 "I should ask you the same thing." She said. "What do you mean." I said.

 "I saw you crying over there. You might not have noticed it, but you were crying. Why?" She asked.

 "Because of this. All of this. You in the hospital. You liking. Cameron Just you in general. Listen. I love you. And I mean it. It's just that, the guys are hurting you. And they're douches for doing it. But, it has gone too far. I mean. You're in a hospital for Christ's sake. I hate seeing you like this. I just wanna keep you safe from all of this shit. I am done with it. All of it. All of them. Your bullies." I said with more of those damn tears rolling down my face.

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