chapter 53

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Carter's POV

 I was at my house, just sitting on the couch watching Netflix.

 I was in the middle of a Big Bang Theory episode, when I got a call. The caller ID read 'Nashy'.

 I picked it up. This was the conversation.

C: Hey

N: Hey

C: So what's up? Yenno.You're interuptng Netflix.

N: Well damn. But, seriously. This is important.

C: First off. Well damn is my thang. And second off. Lemme pause the Netflix.

N: Okay. So. I have a question for you.

C: Proceed with this question for me.

N: Do you wanna come to Shawn's?

C: Depends. Who's all going?

N: Me, Matt, and you if you wanna come.

C: Then yes. We driving seperately or...?

N: Seperately.

C: Okay. See you there. Bye

N: Bye.

 Then, I hung up. I looked at what I was wearing. And I know that I sound like a total girl, but I had sweats on.

 I got up and ran to my room. I went into my closet and picked out some clothes.

 I decided on Black skinny jeans, light gray Diamond Co. sweatshirt, a gray beanie, and black and white jordans.

 I got dressed and walked out the door to my car. I hopped into my Black Charger and drove to Shawn's.

 When I got there, Matt and Nash were already there. They were leaned up against Matt's black and red Mercedes Benz.

 I walked up to them. "Hey." I said, causing them to look up from there phones.

 They just gave gave me a head nod. "So why are we here again?" Matt asked. "To find out why Shawn ran off earlier." Nash said in a duh tone, not looking up from his phone.

 We nodded. "Okay. Good. Let's go." Nash said. Matt and I followed him to the front door.

 Matt knocked. Aaliyah answered. "Hey!" She said. We smiled. "Hey, Liyah. Is Shawn home?" I asked. "Not yet. But, he should be soon if you wanna wait for him." She suggested.

 "Sounds great." Nash said with a smile. We walked in after giving Aaliyah a hug and sat on the couch. "I'll be right back." Aaliyah said. We nodded as she ran off.

 She came back with four sodas and two bags of chips. "Here." Aaliyah said and handed us each a soda. "Thanks." We said in unison. She laughed.

 "So. What have ya been up yo lately, Liyah?" Matt asked. "Not much." She shrugged and ate some chips.

 Just then, the front door opened and there stood Shawn. " Hey, Aaliyah." Shawn said and gave her a hug. "hey, guys." He said.

 "Liyah, can you go for a sec so we can talk?" Nash asked. "No. We can go up to my room." Shawn said quickly. We all nodded and followed him up to his room.

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