Chapter 2

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Mahogany's POV

Lindy, Caroline, and I ran to the bathroom because lindy forgot her makeup.

I pulled out my makeup bag and set it on the counter. She pulled out concealer, foundation, eyeliner, and mascara, and my red lipstick.

After she applied everything, the first period bell rang. "Bye guys. I've got to get to homeroom." Lindy said. Me and Caroline said bye and she walked out the bathroom door, with a look of horror. I felt so bad for her. She's like this because of those damn boys. I'm gonna set them straight after school.

Lindy's POV

I walked to my locker to get my stuff for first period. My homeroom. I grabbed my books and stuffed them into my bookbag. Then, I walked over to the trash can and threw away my trash.

I walked down the hall and up the stairs to get to room '402'. I passed Trevor.

"Hey, trev." I said. "Hey, Lindy. These are my friends. Guys this is Lindy." He said. I heard a whole bunch of 'is that his girlfriends', until someone finally spoke up.

"Are you his girlfriend?" a girl asked. "No, Christy. She lives with me and the other guys." Trevor said. "Oh okay." The girl, Christy said. "Well I gotta get to homeroom. See you after school, trev." I said and hugged him.

I walked down the next Hal and made a sharp left turn, causing me to bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry." I said and started looking up. Then I saw who it was. "Watch it, freak." Nash said. "I said I was sorry. Goddamn." I muttered and started to walk away.

"What was that, bitch?" he asked and grabbed my wrist, causing me to wince. "I said I was sorry. Goddamn. I don't even know why you're so rude." I said and tried to yank my arm away from his hand, but failed.

He pushed me against the wall and pinned my wrist, too. He started to kiss my neck and grabbed my butt with his free hand. "Get off of me!" I yelled. "Why should I listen to a whore like you." He said and started to kiss me again.

"HAYES! HAYES HELP ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Why are you screaming for my brother?" Nash questioned me.

Hayes' POV

Michael, Jacob, Josh, and I were talking because Caroline, Lindy, and Mahogany left us. Then I heard screaming.

"HAYES! HAYES HELP ME!" I heard I think Lindy say. "Guys. I'll be right back. I'm gonna see who screamed for me." I said and ran up the stairs.

I saw Lindy pinned against the wall, being kissed byNash. "NASH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! GET OFF OF HER!" I screamed at him. He let go of her and ran behind me. I guess one of the guys followed me.

I turned around to see who it was. Josh. It was josh. Thank god.

"What so ever are you talking about, little brother?" Nash asked and smiled innocently. "You know what the fuck I am talking about. Why the hell were you touching her?" I spat through my teeth.

"She's hot." He smirked. I heard crying from behind me, but I didn't turn around because I knew Nash would do something. "Don't touch her ever again." I said and threw a punch, but someone grabbed my arm.

I turned to see who it was and it was Jacob. "He's not worth it, man. He's not worth it." Jacob said. "Okay." I said and turned back to Nash. "But if you ever touch her again, ill spill all of your secrets and then beat the shit out of you." I said and walked to Lindy.

Lindy's POV

"Thank you, poo bear." I said and hugged him tight. The top of my head was right on his shoulder because I'm 5'5" and he's almost 6'. "You're welcome, baby girl." He said, kissing the top of my head.

"I have to get to homeroom." I said, starting to walk off, but someone grabbed my arm.

"No. Your not going by yourself. I'll walk you." Hayes said. "Okay." I said. " Shall we?" he said, smiling and holding his hand out for me. "We shall." I said and grabbed his hand, smiling and intertwining our fingers.

"So. Are you okay? Did he hurt you in any way? Because if he did, I'll kill him." He said as we started to walk. "No. He didn't hurt me, poo bear. But, thanks for caring." I said and kissed his shoulder, since I was too lazy to stand on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

"Too lazy, eh?" he said and chuckled. "Yep." I said, popping the 'p'. "well then here." He said and bent down so I could kiss his cheek. "Why, thank you." I said and kissed his cheeks and his forehead. "Why, you're welcome." He laughed and stood back up, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers again.

"I'm here." I said, pointing at the door with the number '402' on it. "Okay. Bye, baby girl. Be careful. He said and kissed my cheek. "Okay. I will, poo bear. I promise. Are you gonna come back after homeroom to get me?" I asked. curiously. "Why yes I am. We have history together. But before you ask, I'm in advanced classes." He said. I simply nodded and said, "Well. Thank you and goodbye, poo bear." I said. "Bye. baby girl." He said and walked off.

I walked into homeroom and to my seat. Luckily, my bullies weren't here yet. And maybe won't show up. But I guess I was wrong.


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