Chapter 124

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Shawn's POV


We packed the last bit of luggage into the van. As I shut the doors to the trunk, everyone was climbing in. I was the second to last one to et in because Lindy had to run and grab a cookie.

She climbed in and literally everyone was sitting on top of each other. I mean, if you had 30 people in one van, you would sit on someone, too. I was closest, so Lindy sat on my lap after closing the door.

We were about halfway to the airport when Lindy turned to face me. "Shawny." She said. "Lindy." I said. "Don't leave." She said. "I have to, babe." I sighed.

"You don't have to. You want to. You were given this big opportunity and you took it. I'm glad you did. I'm proud of you. I really am. I'm just gonna miss you." Lindy said, her voice cracked towards the end. A tear spilled from her eye.

"Aww. Don't cry." I said. "Bitch. You better not cry. I told you I am still here." Paige said. We laughed. "Love you, Paigey poo." Lindy said. "Eww. Now you can cry." Paige said.

She was cringing at the nickname Lindy gave her. Lindy smiled and layed her head in my shoulder. "Hey. Our flight doesn't leave for another three hours." I whispered as we entered the airport.

"Good. I get to keep y'all till then." She said. Ricky stopped the car and turned to us. "Now. Get the hell out." He said with a smile. "Let's go." Caroline said, pushing everyone out the way.

"Dude. Chill." Josh said and pulled her back onto his lap. "Dude. No." She said, getting back up. I grabbed Lindy by the waist and got out the car.

She wrapped her legs tightly around my waist and her arms not as tight around my neck. Lindy put her face in the crook of my neck. I opened the trunk and pulled out my suitcases.

Trevor came over to help me. "Good luck." Trevor said to me, nodding his head towards Lindy. "Why?" I laughed. "She's really hard to get off." He said.

Kian came over. "Oh, Shawn. Good luck." He said, doing the same thing as Trevor. I laughed snd shook my head. Everyone was helping carry bags.

I rolled my suitcase with one hand and used my other hand to make sure Lindy didn't fall. She didn't. "You baby." Paige said to Lindy from behind me. "Fuck off." Lindy muffled in my shirt. "When and where?" Paige smirked.

"Leave me alone." Lindy groaned. Paige walked away. "Want me to take that?" Connor asked me with laugh, pointing toward Lindy. I nodded and he tickled her.

She loosened her grip on me and he took her. "Conny." She said, doing what she did to me to him. "I know, Lind. I know." Connor said, rubbing her back.

We walked into the airport and sat by our gate. Connor stood because he was uncomfortable with Lindy's legs behind him. Lindy whispered something to Connor and he nodded.

He took her over to James. James took her and she sat on his lap. "Hey, dude." Lindy said. "Hey, dude." James copied.

We had a lot of time to kill.

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