Chapter 20

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Jacobs POV

Me and the other guys were talking on the couches because the girls were getting ready. We got ready and down here before them.

I heard them coming down the stairs and turned my head to see three pretty girls standing before me. Coraline and Lindy look pretty, but mahogany. Mahogany looks gorgeous.

Josh, Michael, and I looked at each other with wide eyes. I saw Sam, Kian, and Trevor look at each other, too.

"Baby girl, you look stunning." Hayes smiled. "Thank you, poo bear." Lindy smiled. "What'd I say. I said you were gonna look stunning. And I was right." Hayes said with a smile. "All right. Enough now you two." Sam said.

I'm glad he stopped them because Michael has a huge crush on Lindy. Always has. Ever since the second grade.

"Well, mahogany. You look gorgeous today." I said. She smiled. She was wearing a dress the was jean at the top and red with white polka dots on the bottom. "Thank you, jakey." She blushed.

"You look beautiful, C." Josh said, shyly. "Thank, josh." She said as her cheeks flushed a pink color. I laughed to myself at them.

"Okay, guys. Into the kitchen for breakfast. I made it myself." Connor said, proudly. "Then we shouldn't eat it." Lindy joked. "Well then. I'll just feed the others. You an starve." Connor sassily said.

"I sorry, conny. You're an amazing cook." Lindy said and kissed his cheek. Michael looked mad.

"It's okay. They're only friends. And plus. He's like five years older than her." I whispered to him. He seemed to relax.

We all sat down at either the table or at one of the islands. Mahogany and I sat at one island. Michael, Lindy, and Hayes sat at another while josh and Coraline sat at the table with everyone else.

"So." Mahogany said, awkwardly rubbing her leg. "You know. I meant it when I said you look gorgeous. I really did." I said. "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." She smiled.

"Today at our free period or at lunch or something, can I talk to you. It's important." I asked, hoping she said yes. She nodded, taking a bite of the waffles Connor made.

"Mmm. Conny, these are good." Lindy yelled over all the noise. "Tank yer." Connor yelled back.

When we finished, we all put our dishes in the sink. "Okay. Everyone in the school that is not online, pile into my car." Lindy said. We all walked out to her CRV and got in.

"Uhh. Lind, there aren't enough seats." Coraline said. "Mahogany sit in Jacob's Lap. Coraline sit on Josh's lap. And Trevor, it's between you, Michael, and Hayes to see who sits up front with me." Lindy said.

Mahogany and Coraline got on josh and I's laps while Hayes, Michael and Trevor played Rock Paper Scissors. Michael won, happily and sat up front with Lindy while Hayes sat in the last seat and Trevor climbed into the trunk.

"We look like we're in a clown car." Lindy laughed. We all laughed and Lindy started to drive to school. She put on the radio and some song came on. I don't know what song it was, but Lindy and mahogany were so singing it.

'Love it when you just don't care

Love it when you dance like there's nobody there

So when it gets hard don't be afraid

We don't care what them people say'

They sang and then we pulled up to school. "Hold on, trev. I'll get you out." Lindy said as we all got out. "Okay." He said.

She walked to the trunk and opened it, allowing Trevor to jump out. Once he did, we all walked into school together.

Mahogany stood next to me and I grabbed her hand. She blushed.

Coraline was next to josh. Her head was resting on his shoulder. Her hand was also wrapped around his forearm. "Aww." Mahogany and I said in unison. We laughed.

Hayes and Michael were at Lindy's sides. Trevor had walked off to join his friends. We reached our lockers, that happened to be really close to each others.

Left side of hallway:

Mahogany, Josh, me, Coraline

Right side of hallway:

Hayes, Lindy, Michael

Mahogany, josh, Coraline, and I walked to our lockers while Michael, Lindy, and Hayes walked to theirs.

"Okay. So, C. Ready for homeroom?" I asked Coraline. "Yep." She said and popped the 'p'. "Okay. See y'all later." I said and hugged mahogany and walked off with Coraline.

We have homeroom with Nash, Aaron, and carter. Let's see how this hour goes.


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