Chapter 84

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Lindy's POV

I ran down the stairs and to the kitchen.

 There, I saw five boys throwing flour and eggs at each other. I sighed and closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose.

 "Stop it." I said in a quiet tone. The five kept throwing the flour and eggs. I face palmed.

 "Stop it." I said in a bit more of an annoyed tone. They still didn't stop. 

 "STOP IT. NOW." I shouted, sternly. They instantly stopped and looked at me with wide eyes.

 I saw Kian, Trevor, Hayes, Aaron, and Michael standing in front of me, trying to look innocent. 

"WHAT WERE y'all doing?" I said in a loud tone and pointed towards the kitchen. "We were trying to make breakfast?" Aaron said, sweetly.

 "Yeah. We were." Kian added in. I looked at all of them one by one. As I did, I heard lots of heavy footsteps.

 I looked at Trevor and he gave me his puppy dog eyes. I then looked at Michael. He just pushed his glasses up a little.

 Aaron was next to Michael. He gave me an eyebrow wiggle and a small smile. Kian was beside them. He stuck out his bottom lip and pouted a bit.

 Hayes was at the end. I looked at him and he just had that big, stupid-looking goofy grin slapped on his face.

 "Y'ALL DUMB FUCKERS WOKE ME THE FUCK UP." A sleepy Paige yelled. We laughed and Sam stood up on the dining room table.

 "I don't even wanna know." Mahogany said and put her hand up. "I have an announcement to make." Sam said over the noise. We all stopped and looked at him.

 "Proceed with your announcement, Samuel-son." Ricky said and bowed, causing everyone to laugh. "Saaaammmm." I whined.

 "Liinnddddd." Sam mimicked. "Your feet are dirty. I clean that table. Will you please get down?" I said.

 "You don't clean the table." Jc said. "You're right. You can stay on the table." I said.

 "Okay. So. Halloween is in a couple of days and we have a big house....." Sam trailed off. "SO WE'RE HAVING A PARTY?!" I squealed.

 Sam laughed and nodded. "But." He paused. Damnit. There's always a but. "Only 17 and up can drink. Anyone below that age drinking, will be sitting upstairs.Got it?"  Sam finished. We nodded.

 "HAHA, YOU YOUNG BITCHES." Paige shouted. And after that, everyone turned to face me and Hayes. 

 "Got it?" Sam repeated and looked me in the eye. "Got it." Hayes and I mumbled.

"But, I don't understand why I can't have a couple drinks. See, Hayes. This is what we get for being young." I muttered to Hayes. He laughed in response.

 "GIRLS." I screamed. Everyone looked at me.

 "Are all y'all girls? 'Cause I clearly said girls." I sassed. I heard giggles.


 "Sam. I'm taking my car." I said. "Be easy with her." Sam warned. I nodded. I was tired of takiing his car.

 We walked out to my black and blue Mustang. "CAN I DRIVE?" Paige asked, excitedly.

 "Hell no." I said and got in the drivers seat. She pouted and got in the passengers seat.

 Caroline, Steph, and Mahogany got into the back. I realized we were still in our clothes from last night and C was in her pajama shorts and sweatshirt.

 But, whatever. I drove to the closest costume store.

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