Chapter 93

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Tristan's POV

 "C'mon, Brad. Spit it out." I said. Bradley bit his lip nervously.

 "WHO IS IT?" James and connor said. The light turned green and James started driving once again.

 "It's Lindy..." Bradley said, so quiet that it might not have been audible. "Looks like we each have some competition." I said.

 I saw Connor's jaw tighten a bit. I laughed to myself.

 Just then, my phone went off. Someone had texted me. I looked at my screen.

 Calum? What could he want right this instant?

 From: Calum

Hey, Tristan. I heard you're in LA? We are too and were wondering if you wanna meet up sometime soon.

Umm okay. "Hey guys." I said. "Yeah." They responded.

"Calum wanted to know if we could meet up sometime soon." I explained the text. "Uh. Sounds cool. When?" James said.

 To: Calum 


 I sat there and waited for him to text back. We had reached the hotel and James stopped the car.

 We got Into the elevator and went to our room. Bradley quietly got out his room key and opened the door.

 We walked into the room and went straight to our suitcases. We started getting out our costumes. 

 I was being a dark angel. I was gonna wear Black skinnies, a black button - up, a black leather jacket, and black vans.

Connor was being a zombie, Brad was being a lifeguard, and James. Well, let's just say his costume involves a dress, some lipstick, and heels.

 I didn't even ask why he chose that costume. I started to get ready.

 Right as I was butoning the last few buttons on my shirt, Calum texted me.

 From: Calum

Doesn't matter. Just not tonite. we're going to a party @ 8.

 I quickly responded so that I could finish getting ready.

 To: Calum

Oh okay. And we are too. Well gtg. I'm getting ready

 I sent the text and went into the bathroom to do my hair. I decided to do it normally.

 I finished and walked out of the bathroom. But, only to find James stuffing the top of his dress with grapefruits.

 "Yeah. That's normal. Well. Let's go, mates. And James." I turned to face him. "I'm driving." 

"Whatever." He scoffed and waltzed out the room. We followed him. Or her. Whatever you wanna call the guy.

 We stayed silent on the elevator ride down. James and I tried to break the awkward silence by being funny.

 "Hey James." I said and looked at him. "Yeah." He said.

 "Those grapefruits look like the real deal." I laughed and poked one. "Stop it, you pervert." James squeaked.

 Bradley and Connor didn't laugh at all. The elevator stopped signalling for us to get the hell out. And that's what we did.

 We got into the car. Me at drivers seat, Connor at my side, and Bradley and James in the back.

 I drove back to the house.

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