Chapter 118

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Shawn's POV

We all were talking after the girls left for the mall. While we were, I got a phone call from my manager. I excused myself and took the call.
{Shawn-S Manager-M}

S- Hello?
M- Shawn! Hey. I have big news.
S- Well. What is it?
M- I got a call today...
S- About what?
M- yeah. You leave in five days.
S- oh oka- WAIT? Five days!!
M- yeah. So get packing. Bye!

And with that he hung up. What the fuck? I have a couple days to pack and bid my goodbyes.

I walked back to the living room. I sat down, putting my head in my hands. "What's wrong, buddy?" Johnson said.

I stood up. "Guys. I have to tell you something." I announced. "Oh my god. If you're gay...." Kian said. We all started laughing.

"No. I was invited to go on tour with someone." I said. "Oh really. Who?" Nash said. "Austin Mahone." I said. "REALLY?" Tristan, Connor, James, and Brad said.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked. "We were, too." They said. "So, you know when we leave. Right?" I said. "Five days." They said, sadly.

"No. You can't." Sam said. "Why?" The five of us said. "One word. Lindy." He said. "Yeah. She just its two really important people." Jc said.

"Shawn. I'm not talking to you. But, you four don't know about the things that happened before you came." Ricky said. "Actually. I do." Connor said. "Then what happened?" Trevor said.

"Well. First off. Nine of her best friends of her whole life, bullied her. Beat on her. Then, Paige and Steph came back. After that, all of you except Shawn and cam started a group chat with Lindy. You all were sending her horrific things. Then, she tried to commit suicide. Which, may I add, I'm really surprised she forgave you all. She soon got out of the hospital and went to a 5 seconds of summer concert." Connor replayed everything that has happened in the past month and a half.

"He does know." Trevor nodded with tears in his eyes. "Well. I have to go. I already agreed. I'm sorry." I said. They all put their head in their hands.

Just then, the front door opened. I thought it was the girls. But, it was Hayes, Carter, and Gilinsky. They were laughing, but soon stopped when they saw us.

"What's happened? What's wrong?" Hayes asked, frantically. He had a black eyes and a bruise forming on his cheek. "I should be asking you the same." I said to him.

"I tell you. But, only if you tell me." He said. I nodded. "The vamps and I are leaving for a tour in five days." I sighed. "I beat the shut out of Cameron." Hayes said.

"And I recorded it." Gilinsky said. "I wanna see." Sam smiled. Gilinsky just sent the video to all of us. "Too lazy to show all y'all. And my battery's gonna die." He said and walked upstairs.

We all watched the video. sam broke into laughter, as did Kian and Jc. "Wait. Did you say you're.... You're leaving?" Hayes asked, sadly. I nodded.

Then, the front door opened once more. "Here we go." I said.

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