Chapter 70

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 Paige's POV

 Mahogany, Steph and I were just sitting there, watching lights flash and clothes being tossed around.

 "I'm bored." I said and reached into my pocket. My phone wasn't there.

 "The fuck." I mumbled. "What's wrong?" Mahogany asked.

 I looked at the two. Well. Actually, only Mahogany.

 Steph is on the other couch, playing with some type of caution tape.

 I just shook my head and said, "I left my phone in the car." "Go g-" Mahogany was cut off.

 "DAMMIT!" Steph yelled. "What's wrong?" Me and Mahogany said in unison.

 "I got stuck in the tape." Steph pouted. She had managed to get the tape all around her.

 "Go get your phone. I got the dumbass." Mahogany said. I nodded and walked to the car.

 I got my phone and locked the car, after shutting the door.

 I turned around and saw a slut. Madison Beer.

 She was sitting with her legs open and her elbow propped on her knee. Did I mention she's wearing a skirt.

 "Close your legs. They're not a door." I muttered loud enough for her to hear. "Excuse meee." Madison said in a bitchy, preppy tone.

 "Your legs aren't doors. So, close them." I repeated. "Oh. Wait. They are doors." I added. 

 She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. At least I dress appropiately for public." She said and pointed to her bra and underwear. I mean bra and skirt.

 No. I meant bra and underwear. I was wearing sweatpants, a pink crop top, and a cream cardigan.

 "I have clothes on. Look at you. You have on a bra and underwear." I said. I started walking away, when the bitch had to say something to me.

 "Whore." Madison mumbled. "I'm the whore? Did I fall from the whore tree and bang every, single fucking guy on the way down." I said.

 "At least I have a talent." She retorted.  "What talent?" I said in monotone.

 "My sing-" I cut her off. "Oh yeah. You have that one talent. You have sex with a new guy every day. I call that flavor of the day." I smirked.

 She snarled at me. I could not take it anymore. I raised my hand up and back-handed her.

"Now. We both know you're never gonna get a job as a model. So, go back to your job selling the flavors of the goddamn week." I said and walked inside.

I walked to the entrance of the room Lindy was in. I saw Mahogany unraveling Steph from the tape.

 I didn't wanna help with that. I walked to the dressing room and saw Peppaye.

 "Hey, Peppaye. Can you do my hair?" I asked him with big puppy eyes. "Sure, Paige." Peppaye said.

 "Surprise me." I said. He nodded and started on my hair.

 About 15 minutes later, he was done. I looked in the mirror and saw that he did a waterfall braid. 

 "Thank you." I chriped. "You're welcome. Now makeup?" He said.

 I nodded and we walked to the makeup peseants. Peppaye whispered something to them. They looked at me and nodded.

 "Okay. Go sit down and they'll do your makeup." Peppaye stated. Inodded and did what I was told.

 I sat down and they started. About 20 minutes later, they were finished.

 I looked in the mirror.

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