Chapter 113

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Lindy's POV

I walked over to Sam, who was standing by the couch. The couch was about three yards from the front door.

"Yes, brother." I said. "Well sister. Here are your presents. BRUNG THEM IN." Sam said. Just then, the front door opened and Jc and Paige walked in, holding up a big blanket.

They stopped and looked at Sam. "Drop the damn sheet thingy." Sam said. They dropped it and there stood one of my 'presents'. Hayes.

"HAYES." I yelled and ran to him. He dropped his bag and pushed his suitcase away. I reached him and jumped up. He put his arms out and caught me.

I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. Hayes put his arms near the bottom of my back frame.

I heard a picture snap and saw a flash. But, I didn't care. Hayes just spun around. "God. I missed you." Hayes mumbled into my shoulder.

"I've missed you, too. You weren't here when I needed you." I said. he stopped spinning and pulled his head back.

"Well. I'm here now." He said and let a tear slip from his eye. "I know." I said. Hayes smiled. I leaned forwards and pecked his lips, in a friendly manner.

He set me on the ground and we walked back over to the others. "I still ship Rindy." Andrea whispered to me. I laughed a little.

"Okay so. What about my my other present?" I asked. "Right here, babe." I looked to the door. Nash.

I ran to the door again. I reached my arms out and wrapped them around his waist. "Hey, babe." He said and kissed the top of my head.

When he did, I thought of Connor. I immediately broke down in Nash's arms. Ricky and Sam shot up from the couch and ran to me.

"W-what's wrong, baby?" Sam said. "I thought a-about Connor." I sobbed out. Hayes walked over.

"Let me handle this." He said. Ricky and Sam looked at me for approval. I nodded and they got up.

Hayes picked me up. My legs a way around his torso and my arms around his neck once again.

He carried me to my room and shut the door. "Now spill, baby girl." He said.

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