Chapter 73

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 Steph's POV

 Mahogany and I were with a tattoo artist named Melody.

 "Okay. So, we're getting the heart monitor on our left wrists and the tallys on our right." I said. Melody nodded

 She started with Mahogany. "Have y'all had tattoos done before?" Melody asked. "No." We said in unison.

 "Okay. So, I just push the ink needle up to your skin, after putting ink on it. The the designs with appear in black in and then if you wanna add color, I'll add the color." She explained. We nodded.

 Ready?" Melody directed to Mahogany. "Yup." Mahogany said, popping the 'p'.

 Melody nodded. After about an hour and a half, she was done with both. "Your turn, Stephie." Mahogany said.

 I huffed and sat down. She started and it surprisingly didn't hurt that bad.

 I did wince every once in awhile, but that was only when Melody hit one of my wrist nerves.

 She finished and said, "Done!" We looked at them and smiled. "Thank you." Mahogany and I said at the same time.

 She nodded. We walked out and saw everyone there, except Lindy and Paige.

 "Hey guys. Where's Paige and Lind at?" Mahogany asked. "Still getting there tatts." Caroline said. 

 OHHH. Duh, Steph. Duh.

 Lindy's POV

 Me and Paige were getting our extra tattoo. 

 I had gotten mine already, so Paige was almost done hers.

 "Done!" Todd exclaimed. Paige looked at it and said, "Thanks." "No problem." He said.

 Paige walked out while I went to get my bag. I grabbed it and was about walk about, when Todd stopped me.

 "Yes." I said. "Aren't you gonna say thank you?" Tdd smirked.

 "Thank you." I smiled. "You're welcome." He said and kissed my cheek. 

 "Todd. I have a boyfriend." I sighed. "Aww dammit. I thought I had a chance." He joked. 

 "Shut up." I said and slapped his arm, playfully. "Bu, seriously. Thank you." I added and kissed his cheek.

 "I thought you had a boyfriend?" He said. "I do. I kiss guy's cheek all the time. He just doesn't like certain guys kissing on me." I said.

 He nodded. "You're free to go." Todd says. "Wait. Do y'all do piercings?" I smirked. "Yea why?" He asked,suspiciously.

 "How good of friends are you and me and you and my brother?" I asked. "Pretty good." Todd said.

 "Can you pierce my lip?" I asked. He nodded. "This'll be quick." He stated.

 I sat back down and he quickly pierced my lip. He put in a black hoop. 

 "Thank you, Todd. Really." I said and gave him a hug. "It's no big deal." Todd says as he returned the hug.

 I nodded and walked out of the room. Everyone looked up at me.

 "Hey, sis. We're twins." Sam said with a smile.

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