Chapter 41

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Stephanie's POV

We sat there and waited. Waited. And waited.

Hayes was still sobbing his eyes out. I walked over to him. "Hayes. Please. Tell me what's wrong." I said to him. "N-nothing. Nothing's wrong." Hayes sniffled.

"You sure?" I asked. He nodded. I got up and walked over to cam. He got back a couple minutes ago.

"What's up with Hayes?" I whispered to him. "I don't know. But. I have an idea." Cameron whispered. "What is it?" I asked.

"We go over and talk to him. And you distract him while I take his letter. There has to be something in his letter that's making him cry like that." Cam said. I nodded and we went back over to Hayes.

"Hayes. You're gonna cry yourself dry, man." Cameron said. "I... I don't care." Hayes said. "Well. Hayes. She's gonna get better. I promise." I kept on repeating. Cam grabbed the letter and got up.

He started reading it and I walked over to him. I read it with him. When we finished, I looked at Hayes.

"Hayes." I said sternly. "Yea, steph." He said. "Show me your wrists." I demanded. "W-why?" he asked.

"Show me your goddamn wrist, Benjamin Hayes Grier." I demanded once again. He reluctantly pushed his sleeves up and pushed his arms out.

I stared at his wrists. Scars. Scars. And more scars. "Why?" my voice cracked. "Reasons." He replied.

I heard shuffling around the door. I peak around the corner and looked at the door. I saw them.

"Oh. Hell. No." I said. I walked over to the door and opened it.

"What the hell are y'all doing here? Does someone want me to rip pretty boy's earlobe off?" I said. The asswipe's eyes widened and he backed away to behind everyone.

"Can we see her?" bandana boy asked. "I don't know. Can you, bandana boy?" I asked and moved out the way.

"Oh. Right. May we see her?" he asked. "Well. Why do y'all want to? Y'all beat her for five years of her life. You don't know how much hatred I have for you dick heads right about now. Like I said before. Y'all make me wanna punch a wall." I said.

They looked at me with guilt in there eyes. "Hey. Weren't there nine of y'all?" I asked. "Yea. But one ran off before we came." Gilinsky said.

I looked at them and them in the room. "Let me guess. Shawn?" I asked. They nodded. "So. May we?" bandana boy asked again.

"Hold on." I said and walked away from the door, shutting it behind me. "Guys. They're here." I said.

"WHAT! I TOLD THEM TO STAY AWAY!" Cam yelled and got up, walking to the door.

Ooh. This should be funny.





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