Chapter 116

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Caroline's POV

Steph, Mahogany, Paige, and I went up to Lindy's room after Hayes left. "Hey, My Love." Paige said. "Hi." She sniffled.

"You okay?" I asked her. "I guess." She sighed. "You know what I realized." I said. "What." They said. "We've barely had any girl time this week." I said.

"Yeah. Wanna go do something?" Mahogany asked. "LET'S GO TO THE MALL, COCK-SUCKERS." Steph yelled. We all laughed.

"Her and Taylor were definitely made for each other." Paige said. We nodded in agreement.

"You know I was a mistake, right?" Steph said, seriousness in her voice. "What?" Mahogany said. Lindy was laughing.

"Yeah. My dad's condom broke. My mom wrote a letter to the factory. They wrote back, saying 'shit happens'." Steph said.

"Oh my god." I laughed out. We laughed for a good 10 minutes before sobering up. "Okay. Let me get ready and we can leave." Lindy said.

"We have to get ready, too." Mahogany said. "Okay. Let's pick out our outfits." Paige said.

We got up and picked our outfits out.

Lindy's outfit-
• a pink sweater that said 'it's not you, its your eyebrows
• black ripped skinnies
• black and white lacy keds
• brown messenger bag
• badass beanie

Mahogany's outfit-
• yellow skater dress
• grey converses
• cream beanie
• white satchel

Steph's outfit-
• black bralet
• grey cardigan
• mint green maxi skirt
• black sandals

Paige's outfit-
• black high waisted shorts
• white cami
• red and black flannel
• black combats
• red beanie

My outfit-
• emoji leggings
• white crop top
• black bandeau
• yellow converses
• yellow beanie

We got changed and went to do our hair. Lindy and Mahogany put mousse in their hair. Paige and I straightened our hair. Steph put her hair in a tight bun.

We did our make up and went downstairs. "We're going to the mall. Bye." Lindy said, grabbing her keys and walking out.

We walked to the car and got in. Paige and Lindy in the front and me, Steph, and Mahogany in the back.

"To the mall." Lindy said and started driving.


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