Chapter 91

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Taylor's POV


 Now, I'll be teased with this forever.

 Lindy's POV


 All of the girls and I were heading up to my room to change into our costumes.

We are gonna change and then go set up. Then, the boys are gonna change. They're setting up right now.

 We walked into my closet to get our costumes. I was being the baseball player.

 I picked up my converses, black snapback, jeans, and baseball jersey. I also grabbed my makeup bag before walking out of the closet.

 I set everything on my bed and started t get ready. Right as the girls walked out the closet, my phine went off indicating  I had a text.

 I looked to see who it was. Calum

 From: Cal-Pal

 Hey you have anything planned for tonight? :)

 I smiled and texted him back.

 To: Cal-Pal

 Yeah. Actually, my brother is having a party @ 8. Come if you want and you can bring the others too

 I sent it and finished getting ready. As I was lacing up my converses, Calum texted me.

 From: Cal-Pal

 Sounds good. See you then, babe. Btw. Address?

  I blushed at the fact that he called me babe.

 To: Cal-pal

 Oh right. It's 1568 Elm St.

"Calum, Mikey, Ash, and Luke are coming." I announced. "Yay!" They all cheered, except for Caroline.

We all  were done getting ready, so we walked in my bathroom with our makeup.

 I pulled out red lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, and gold eyeshadow. I did my makeup and moved onto my hair.

 I decided to straighten my hair. After about 20 minutes, I was done.

 I looked in the mirror to approve my appearance. I liked it and walked out of the bathroom.

 The girls and I walked downstairs.

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