Chapter 121

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Andrea's POV

We all were sitting in the living room, watching a bunch of movies. Right now, we're watching The Lion King.

"I'll be right back. I need my sweatpants. And by my sweatpants, I mean Andrea's sweatpants. And by Andrea's sweatpants, I mean Kian's sweatpants." Lindy said and got up.

"Me too. But, Jc's." Paige said. "I'm coming." Steph said. "Make that two." Caroline said. "I don't wanna be left down here with these boys. And if you wanna live or some shit, I suggest you come with." Mahogany said to me.

"I think I wanna live." I said and hopped up, following her up the stairs. "Thank god! I thought you were gonna die." Lindy said and hugged me.

We all laughed. "I'm gonna go get the sweats. Jc's for Paige. Taylor's for Steph. Josh's for Caroline. Jake's for mahogany. And Kian's for you." Lindy said and walked out.

"So Andrea. How long have you and Kian been dating?" Caroline asked me. "For three and a half weeks." I said. "And he didn't tell us. Well, I'll just throw a shoe at him later." Paige said.

"Im back." Lindy said, walking in with a pile of clothes. "C." She said and handed her clothes. "M." Handed her hers. "Paigers." She threw them at her face.

"Ow. You bitch." Paige said. "Andrea." She handed me mine. "And Steph." Again threw them at her face. "Brb." Lindy said and walked out again. In like ten seconds, she walked back in.

"Sorry. Left my phone in Ricky's room." She said. "Ricky's sweats." We all said. She nodded. "And Con's sweatshirt." She saiid, quietly and smiled to herself.

"Okay! Let's get dressed and head back down there before they destroy something." Paige said. We nodded and quickly changed. Then, we heard something break.

"Dammit." Lindy muttered. we ran downstairs. "I WAS GONE FOR FIVE MINUTES. FIVE. FUCKING. MINUTES. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU BREAK?" Lindy yelled at them.

"A plate." Johnson said. Then, another crash. "And a vase." Taylor called. "Okay. Not gonna yell. Clean up the mess. Put the glass in a bag and then take it to the trash outside." She said.

"That's the first time she hasn't yelled." Sam whispered. I laughed a little. "Shut up Sam. You boys can't whisper for shit." Lindy smiled. "Aww. Love you, baby sis." Sam said and hugged her, tightly.

"Wait. Y'all are related?" I asked. "His dad adopted me when I was little." Lindy said. "Oooohhh." I said.

"I CLEANED IT." Hayes yelled, proudly. "Good for you, idiot." Paige rolled her eyes. "Paige." Lindy said. "Yeah." Paige said.

"Spell idiot." Lindy said. "Fuck off." Paige said.

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