Chapter 37

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Lindy's POV

I started working on the last letter. It would be hard for me to write.

The letter was to the love of my life, Calum Hood. No, actually I'm kidding. I wrote his in advance.

I started writing.

Dear Cameron,

I'm sorry that I didn't get to say goodbye in person. But, here is my goodbye. I wanted to say something that I didn't get you say in the classroom that day. That I didn't get to say, ever. I love you. I always have. And having you apologize to me made me so happy to know that you didn't mean to do any of this. To know, that you love me right back. Your love for me may not be as strong as my love for you, but at least I have gotten some love from you. I wanted you get get your letter first and then inform everyone, that's why I texted you. Thank you for that kiss. Thank you for those childhood memories. Just. Thank you. For everything. Thank you for being there got me when I needed you. When I needed to talk to someone. I love you, Cameron Alexander Dallas.

~Lindia Marie

I put all of the letters into envelopes and wrote their names on them. I texted Cameron.

Me: come over in 20 mins plz

Cam: okay. I'll be there ;)

I smiled and put my phone away. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed the first medication I saw.

The label

Read 'take two for anxiety attacks'. My anxiety pills.

I dumped about 20 pills into my hand. I shoved them into my mouth. I stood there and waited for them to work.

My knees started to buckle and then I collapsed. I lied there on the bathroom floor, still conscious.

The bathroom door swung open and revealed Cameron.

Everything after that was a blue and then black.

Cameron's POV

I started to get ready to go to Lindy's house. I told my mom and she said I could go.

I walked out the door and down the street. After walking a couple more streets, I arrived at her house.

I knocked in the door and it creaked open. Weird. I walked in and said, "Hello?" No response.

I walked up the stairs and to the door that said 'Lindia' in cursive. I knocked on the door. No answer.

I tried opening it, but there's something blocking the door. I started to ram the door. After a couple times, it opened.

I walked in and saw about 20 envelopes on the bed. I grabbed them and put the in my pocket.

I walked over to a shut door and opened it. I saw Lindy lying on the floor her mouth slightly open. She smiled weakly and then stopped.

I ran over to her and picked her up. I carried her bridal style to the living room. I called an ambulance and they came in five minutes.

I rode in the ambulance with her while I called Hayes. He's the only number I have out of all of them.

He said he'd tell them and the would come straight to the hospital. The ambulance stopped and the doors opened.

They took Lindy out of the ambulance and put her on a gurney. They rolled her in and said I had to stay in the waiting room.

I sat down and waited impatiently. Hayes and everyone else ran in and straight to me.

"Is she okay?" Hayes asked me, shakily. "I don't know. We got here 30 minutes ago." I said.

I remembered the envelopes. I pulled them out of my pocket. They were in a pile.

"Guys. I have envelopes for everyone. When I say your name, take the envelope." I said. They nodded.

"Kian." I said. He took the letter. "Coraline." She took the letter. "Michael." He took his. "Stephanie." She took hers.

"Mahogany." Another one gone from my hands. "Connor." He snatched his. "Sam." He snatched his, too. "Paige." She slowly took hers with shaky hands.

"Trevor." Again with the snatching. "Ricky." He ripped his away from my hand. "Jc." He reached over Michael and got his. "Jacob." He lightly yanked his away.

"Josh." He could've pulled my whole arm off. And the lay letter was in my hands. "Me." We all opened them and read.

I finished mine. I guess everyone else did too because they all were crying. Hayes was the worse.

He had his knees to his chest and his head in his knees. He was sobbing uncontrollably. His letter had something important in it. I could tell.


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