Chapter 13

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We just sat there with a comfortable silence until......

Lindy's POV

We saw his truck. Why? Goddammit. Why?

"Poo bear, is that Cameron's truck?" I asked Hayes. "Oh my god." He whispered, "It is."

"Why?" I said as years filled my eyes. "Let's go back in before they see us." He said. I nodded and he climbed into the window first.

"Baby girl, gimme your hand." He said softly. "Okay." I said and reached down. He grabbed my hand and I brought my feet to the ledge.

He pulled me into the window after grabbing the food off the roof.

"Wait? How does he know you're here?" I asked. "I guess he went to everyone else's places and we all weren't there." He sighed.

"Well. We have to go tell bubby." I said. Everyone knew that I called Sam bubby and they didn't care at all. "Okay." He said and grabbed my hand, waking out of the attic.

We ran down the stairs and into the living room. "Where's bubby?" I said, still catching my breath. "I'm here." Sam said.

"Bubby..." I sighed and ran up to him. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asked me as he pulled me into his chest. I wrapped my arms tightly around his torso.

"Bubby.... T-they're... here." I whispered into his shirt. "Wait? WHAT!?" He yelled the last part. "They're here. Ask Hayes. We saw them drivi-" I was cut off by the doorbell ringing.

"No." I cried. I got behind Sam as Jc opened the door. "Can I help you?" Jc said harshly through his teeth.

I pulled Hayes behind Sam as well. But, Ricky was also standing beside Sam. So me and Hayes just stood there, him holding me.

"Uhh... yeah..... m-my brother's here and I need to take him home." Nash said. Wait? Was he scared of Jc?

"And why is that? So you can beat him like you beat Lindy." Jc said, getting madder and madder by the minute.

"Ermm No. Why would I do tha-....... Wait? How do you know about that?" Nash asked, seeming to be way more scared than before.

"Because I live with him." I said as I peeked from behind Sam, Hayes still right behind me. Nash's eyes grew wider and wider with shock.

Nash stared at Jc, then Connor, then Kian, then Sam and Ricky, Trevor, Jacob, josh, and Michael. But let's not forget Hayes.

"C'mon. Hayes. We're going home." Nash stuttered a bit.

"I'm not leaving. How're you gonna hit a girl and then pretend like it never happened? How're you gonna come and get me when I said I was staying the night? How're you gonna come and speak to Jc like that and then become scared when you see all of these guys? You are pathetic, Nash. I'm sorry that I got you for a brother. I really am." Hayes stood up for me. Tears were gushing out my eyes.

"Oh and wait before you go...." Jc trailed off and then punched Nash in the nose. "A buh-bye." He adde and then slammed the door in Nash's face.

"Thank you Hayes. I love you do much for sticking up for me. I mean. I loved you before but still. And Jc. Thank you. So much." I said and hugged Hayes, walking over to Jc. I hugged Jc really tight that he let out some type of squeal.

"Umm. What was that?" I said, laughing. "It was my manly squeal." He laughed along with me.

"Wanna watch movies on the couch?" I suggested. "Yes!" they all said.

"Well then. I guess we are indeed watching movies." I said as we all walked into the living room...

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