Chapter 74

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 Mahogany's POV

 We climbed into the car and Caroline sat upfront instead of Lindy.

 Me and Lindy were in the middle of Steph and Paige. I looked over at Lindy and started poking her lip ring.

 "What the hell are you doing? "Lindy said and swatted my hand away. "I wanted to see if it was real." I shrugged.

 "Well it is." She said slowly. Sam pulled into the driveway and we all filed out.

 We walked in to ricky chasing Trevor around, Jc and Connor arguing about FIFA, Kian on top of the fridge and screaming like a maniac, Hayes, Cameron, and Nash wrestling around, and the rest watching and laughing.

 Lindy facepalmed herself. "STOP IT NOW!" Lindy yelled. They all stopped amd looked at us.

 "I wanted all of you to clean up this mess and behave. Got it?" She said. They nodded, nervously.

 "I said got it?" She repeated. "Got it." They replied, quietly. "Good. Now start cleaning." Lindy said.

"And Kian Get down and stop screaming. Please and thank you." She said and walked up to her room.

 Damn. She's definitely queen of this house. The girls followed her up to her room and Sam went to his room.

 I entered the room last. "Kudos to you, Lindia Marie. Kudos to you." I said and sat in the desk chair.

 "Well. Somebody has to keep these boys in check." Lindy shrugged. "And it's you." Paige said.

 Lindy nodded. Steph was already knocked out.

 I walked over to the bed. We all did.

 We soon drifted to sleep.

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