Chapter 42

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Cameron's POV

I stormed my way to the hospital door. I slung it open, revealing nine of my exbest friends.

"I told y'all to stay the fuck away." I snarled. "W-we felt bad. And wanted to apologize." Aaron whispered.

"Apologizing wont cut it. She swallowed about 20 pills. Because of y'all. And ecspecially because of you, carter." I said and looked at carter.

He didn't look the least bit guilty or upset. "I don't even wanna be here. Thy dragged me along." Carter said. "The leave." I said and punted towards the exit.

"Gladly." Carter said and grabbed his stuff and walked out of the hospital. Steph stood right behind me like this was some kind of show that she was enjoying.

"Please, Cameron. Please. Just let us see her." Sam said. "Sammy. Leave." Steph snapped at him. He looked at he with shock.

"Yes. I said leave. You did nothing to Lindy, so you have no need to be here." She said. He turned away and walked out the hospital.

Matt and Taylor were trying to contain their laughter. Steph saw and walked right up to them.

"Asswipe. Bandana boy. What're yall two

laughing at?"

She asked them while smirking.

Stephanie's POV

"Asswipe. Bandana boy. What're y'all two laughing at?" I asked them, smirking. They started laughing really hard.

Cam went back inside with the rest of the guys. It was just me, the asswipe, and bandana boy.

I pulled bandana boy aside. "Taylor." I said. "Stephanie." He said. "I missed you. But, I'm still mad." I said. "I know. I've missed you, too." He said.

With that, he smashed his lips onto mine and kissed me. I kissed back. Ours lips moved in sync. We pulled away and liked at each other.

He smiled. "There's those braces." I said with a laugh. We heard someone awkwardly cough. We looked to see who it was. Matt. Oh boy.

"What the fuck, Taylor!"Matt raised his voice at Taylor. "What do you mean 'what the fuck'. Do you have a problem with me kissing girls. Because if you do, I've kissed a guy already. And he wasn't a very good kisser." Taylor said, causing me to laugh.

"Whatever. Fuck you both." Matt said. "You'd like that, now, wouldn't ya?" I called to him as he walked out the hospital doors. Taylor laughed.

I turned my attention back to Taylor. "Taylor." I said. "Hmm." He said.

"Why did you do it? Why did you become her bullies?" I asked him.


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