Chapter 79

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Paige's POV
We walked back to where the meet and greet was held. Well, I skipped out of excitement. I skipped my way ahead of them,but somebody tripped me. I fell flat on my face. "Owe bitch!" I mumbled under my breath. They all laughed at me,but as they approached I held my hands out for them to help me up. Lindy grabbed my arms and pulled me up. "Thanks." I said. She nodded.

After 15 minutes of getting lost and waiting in line we were finally next. I saw Luke look over at me with a big smile. My cheeks turned baboon butt read. I looked down at my feet and moved my lip ring around with my tongue. I soon looked up and he was saying something to the other guys. They looked over at us and had even bigger smiles.

The security guard let us in and I ran to Luke. I wrapped my arms around him, he lifted me up and I soon wrapped my legs around his waist. We broke the hug and he looked me straight into the eyes."Hey" he said smiling. "H-hi" I said with nerves kicking in. He set me down down and we intertwined out fingers. Paige remember you have a fucking boyfriend! We just stood there swaying back and fourths, occasionally looking up at each other huge smiles.

I looked over at Calum and Lindy. She had the biggest smile on her face. They were talking about something,but god knows what. I then looked over at Steph and Ashton. They were playing with each others hair. They looked adorable. Lastly, I looked at Mahogany and Michael. They were probably talking about hair dye and stuff like that.

I than looked back at Luke. He smiled and was about to say something before he was cut off by security. "Okay let's go. Picture time!" They yelled. We gathered together. The order went, Luke, me,Lindy, Calum,Ashton, Steph, Mahogany, and Michael. I smiled for the picture and gave them all good-bye hugs.

I started to walk away,but someone grabbed my wrist. I looked back to see a tall blonde, with beautiful blue eyes. "How about you and your friends stay. So we can all get to know each other better." He said. I was stunned by the words he said, "Will there be pizza?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "See you then." I said.

I walked back over to the rest of my friends. I jumped around before blurting out,"GUESS WHAT!?" They looked at me concerned and said "what" in a unison. "LUKE FUCKING HEMMINGS. MY PENGUIN. INVITED US TO STAY AFTER TO GET TO KNOW THEM BETTER!" I said, continuing to jump up and down. They started jumping up and down as well. Lindy soon stopped jumping. She ran to the bathroom. We all looked at each other and ran after her.

Luke's POV
Thousands of faces,but only hers makes my heart go wild. Wait, what the hell is her name? Oh well, hopefully I'll find out.

Michael's POV
HER HAIR WAS POOFY! AND SHE KNEW WHAT SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT. Do you think it's too soon to get matching hair colors. Maybe purple. She'd look even sexier with Purple hair!

Calum's POV
Oh Lindia. Her name rolls off the tongue, perfectly. Her beautiful blue eyes and shiny brown hair looks perfectly on her. I literally freaked when Luke said he invited them afterwards. Time to get my flirt on!

Ashton's POV
STEPAHNIE! Goddamint that girl was perfect. She actually made my hair look very handsome. But she was beautiful!

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