Chapter 80

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 Lindy's POV

 I ran into the bathroom.

 If you must know what happened, well here it is. Paige told us that Luke invited us to stay after with them.

 At first, I was really happy and excited. But then, my nerves kicked in. I stated to have a panic/anxiety attack.

 I ran into the bathroom and into the stall closest to the door. It was the biggest stall.

 I slid down the wall and pulled my knees to my chest. I opened up my bag and pulled out my anxiety pills.

 I dumped two into my hand. As I was about to put the pills in my mouth, the stall door swung open.

 I jumped in fright, sending the pills flying out of my hand.

 I looked to see Paige standing at the door with Steph and Mahogany standing behind her, laughing.

 I flipped all three of them off because Paige started laughing as well. "What's wrong?" Paige said after her laughter.

 "Well. When you told me about us staying, I almost had an anxiety attack." I said. "Really?" All three of them asked in shock.

 I nodded my head and stood up. Steph pulled out her phone and her eyes widened. 

 "We have to get back to the venue. The meet and greet is over." Steph said. "Okay. Let's go. I have to get back to my colorful-headed goon." Mahogany said.

 We laughed and headed back to the venue. Everyone was gone and there were security guards coming into view.

 "Sorry. But, the meet and greet is over." One of them said. "Oh no. We were invited here by Luke." Steph explained.

 The guards laughed. "I dont thi-" Ashton cut him off. "LUKE. THEY'RE HERE." Ashton yelled.

 "See." Steph smiled, sarcastically. She pushed past them and walked in. We laughed at her.

 We all walked in and looked at the boys. Calum looked at me with a huge smile on his face.

 "Hi." I said to him. "Hello." Calum said. 

 Luke's POV

 She's back. Thank god. I need to know this girl's name.

 "Hey." She said. "Hi. I.. Um.. I never caught your name earlier." I said

 "I-it's Paige." She said. Paige. That's her name

 "Well. Hello Paige." I said. "Hi." Paige said, shyly.

 "Hey. Guess what?" I said, acting excited. "What?" She smiled a bit.

 "We match." I smirked and pointed to the lip rings. Paige laughed and said, "Maybe we should play 20 questions or something with everybody."

 I nodded. "20 QUESTIONS ON THE COUCH NOW!" I shouted. Everyone sat down on the couch.

 "We'll start with names." Paige said. "First name basis people." Mikey said and clapped his hands.

  Everyone laughed. "You start." I said and pointed to a girl with brown hair. "My name's Lindia. But, everyone calls me Lindy." She said.

 "I'm Calum. But, everyone knows that." Cal said. "I'm Ashton." Ashton smirked. "I'm Stephanie. But, I like Steph." A girl with blonde hair said.

 "I'm Mahogany." A red head said. "I am Micheal Clifford." Mikey said. "I'm Paige." Paige said. "AND.... I'm Luke." I said.

 We asked each other questions for about another hour and a half. "Luke. We have to go." Paige said. We all were in different places.

 Calum and Lindy were sitting in the corner on the couch. Mikey and Mahogany were sitting on the stage. Ashton and Steph were sitting at a table.

 Me and Paige were sitting on the couch that we had played 20 questions on. "But whyyy?" I whined.

 "We have to get home. It's almost seven in the morning. And Lindy's brother will kill me if I don't get her ass home." Paige huffed.

 I sighed, reluctantly. "Fine. But, give me your phone." I demanded. 

 She looked at me in a confused way and then handed her phone over to me. I took it and went to her contacts.

 I put my number in and my contact as 'Lukey<3'. I also put Calum, Ashton, And Micheal's number in there, too. I handed the phone to her againa n she said, "Give me yours." 

 I gave my phone to her. After about six or seven minutes, she was done. She handed my phoned back to me.

 "I put mine, Lindy's, Steph's, and Mahogany's in there." Paige said. I nodded. 

 "So. Text me later, yeah? "I said. She nodded. "I promise." She said.

 We hugged and she kissed my cheek. I blushed a little.

 I then kissed hers. We pulled away from the hug and looked at each other.

 "See you soon, my little penguin." Paige laughed. "Bye." I said.

 She walked off with the other three. The guys and I looked at each other with big smiles.

 We've met our dream girls.

 I just wanted to say thank you to my good friend @_emily4603 She wrote the last chapter bc I didn't have my laptop.


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