Chapter 25

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Cameron's POV

"I felt fireworks. But, that's only because I've always had a crush on you, cam. Always." Lindy said and looked down. I tilted her head up so I could see her face.

"So. Will you forgive me? Please?" I said. "Alright but only you. No one else." She said. I nodded.

"Thank you, Lindy bug." I said. "For what, cam cam?" she said. I smiled because she called me cam cam.

"For forgiving me. I have called you all these names. I have beat on you. I have even told you to kill yourself. And I don't know what I was thinking when I did it. I don't even know why I bullied you in the first place. I don't know why I told Taylor to spill your secrets. I... just.. thank you." I said.

"Can I tell you something?" she asked. I nodded. "The only people whom I wasn't really mad at were Taylor and Shawn." She confessed. "Really?' I asked clearly shocked.

"Yes. Taylor was like my brother. And Shawn

Shawn never hit me.' She said the last part quieter than her normal voice.

"Oh." Was all I said. We sat there in an awkward silence, until I broke it.

"Maybe we should get back to work." I suggested. "Yea. We should." She said and opened the textbooks once more.


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