Chapter 24

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Lindys POV

I said goodbye to Hayes and walked into the classroom. I saw Cameron sitting there on his phone.

I closed the door loud enough so he would here it. He looked up and his eyes grew wide. "Why are you here?" He hissed at me.

"I'm your tutor, dumbass." I hissed back. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with. Three weeks is a long time." He huffed. "Yea. Okay. So, what subjects do you need help in?" I asked.

"Math and chemistry." He replied. "Okay. So which do you wanna work on first?" I said. "How about chemistry. That's the worse out of those two." He said. I nodded an pulled out my chemistry textbook.

As we worked, time slowly passed. Whenever I was talking about or explaining something, I could feel Cameron's eyes on me.

"Yenno. You don't have to stare at me so intensely, right?" I said. He snapped his head up. "Oh. Y-yea. Sorry." He stuttered a bit. "Uhh... cam.. I mean Cameron. Why are you stuttering like that?" I asked, placing a pencil in my textbook and closing it.

"Oh. No reason. Really, Lind. It's nothing." He said. I nodded. Wait? Did he call me Lind. He hasn't called ms that since the fifth grade. I smiled to myself as I opened up my textbook again.

"Why're you smiling like that?" Cameron smirked. "No reason." I said. "Let's get back to work." I added.

I opened his textbook and liked at mine again. He closed both of them and turned me to face him.

"Cam. What're you doing?" I asked, my voice kinda slipping into my accent. "Lindy bug. I'm sorry. I want to apologize for bullying you. I want to be your cam cam again. And I want you to be my lindy bug. Please? Will you please forgive me?" he asked with pleading eyes. I stared at them for a couple of seconds.

"How do I know if this is a trick or not?" I questioned. "If it were a trick would I do this?" he asked and crashed his lips onto mine.

We pulled away. "Now. I know you felt what I felt." He said. "What exactly did you feel?" I asked. "I felt like there were dynamite sticks and fireworks going off in my stomach. What did you feel?" he asked.


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