Chapter 26

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Lindy's POV

When me and cam finished the tutoring session, I walked out of classroom and down the hall. I saw the principal and I guess she saw me, becaus she started to walk towards me.

"Hi, Mrs. Revirna, What do you need?" I asked, sweetly. "Lindia, I need you to help a new student. Is that okay? Youll be out of your classes the rest of the day helping her around the school." Mrs. Revirna said. "Yes, Mrs. Revirna." I said. She nodded and started to walk towards the office, I trailed behind her.

We walked in and I sat down on the bench to wait. "I'll be right back." She said. I nodded and she walked into her office. She came back out of her office with someone behind her. I smiled and stood up. They walked towards me.

"Hi. I'm Lindia. But, my friends call me Lindy. I'll be helping you around the school today. What's your name?" I said to the girl. She had long, dirty blonde hair, with big, deep brown eyes. And she was tall. Really tall. Probably almost Hayes' height. "I'm Stephanie. But, everyone calls me Steph." She said and smiled widelly, revealing her pearly white teeth.

"Nice to meet you, Steph. I guess we should start the tour." I said. She nodded. "Bye, Mrs. Revirna." We said im unison. i looked at her and she looked at me, then we laughed.

We walked out of the office and into the hall. "So, Steph. Did you just move here or are you transferring schools?" I asked her. "Actually. Me, my dad, and my brother just moved here from North Carolina." She said. "No way! I used to live in NC until me, my mom, and my brother moved here when I was like four." I said. "That is so weird." She said with smile. "I know." I said.

"Okay. So where do you wanna go first?" Steph asked. "How about the cafeteria? Because food." I said, causing her to laugh. "YAS! Food is LIFE!" She exclaimed. Just then, heard a door close and Hayes appear.

"Baby girl, you know that you can't get food without me." Hayes said. Then, he saw Steph. "And you are?" He said. I slapped his arm and said, "Benjamin Hayes!" "What. She's standing there so silently. I just wanted to know her name." He said and threw his ands up in defense. "But it sounded rude as hell." I said. He just shrugged.

"Hayes. This is Stephanie. Steph. This is Hayes." I introduced them. "Hey-o." Hayes said. "Hi.' Said Steph. They shook hands. "Should we go get the others and you guys can help with my tour of the hell hole." I suggested. Hayes nodded. "Wait. Including Trevor?" He asked. I nodded.

After we had gotten everyone, we went into the dance studio. I started introducing Steph. "Guys. This is Steph. Steph. This is Coraline, Josh, Mahogany, Jacob, Michael, Trevor, and you already know Hayes." I said. She nodded.

After everyone said hello, we just sat there. "What should we do?" i asked.

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