Chapter 3: Imagine

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     Fuji's now on her way to the living room as she sensed a certain someone's presence while Kai remained asleep. As she's on her way there, she grabbed a small wooden stool.

"Fu-Fujikase-san.... what's tha-that for?" Masako asked stuttering as she saw her.

"Just gonna smack it to a certain someone's face." Fuji answered gritting her teeth.

'I pray for Aoki-san's soul.'
Masako thought as she watch Fuji get nearer the room.

     Right after Aoki's answer, they all fell silent. They were all sweating coldly but they suddenly tensed up feeling a dark aura coming closer.

'She.... is capable of surpassing Muzan?'
Tanjiro thought that got interrupted by the sudden opening of the doors of the living room with a loud 'Bang!'.

There showed Fuji fuming in anger as she held a wooden stool. Aoki then instantly stood up sweating coldly.

"Wa-Wait Fujikase-san! I-I can explain!" Aoki exclaimed frantically waving his arms.

"You finally showed up shithead." Fuji cursed as she instantly threw the wooden stool right on his face.

The ones watching looked at them awkwardly as they saw Aoki bleeding while rolling on the tatami mat covering his face and crying in pain. Fuji then walked towards him and stomped on him many times.

"You shithead showing up late! Stupid moron! Why the hell did you even come here?!" Fuji kept on stomping at him.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I was so busy that's why I'm late! Sorry!" Aoki apologized covering his head as protection from Fuji's stomps.

Gyomei, Zenitsu, Tengen, and Kanae could hear his bones breaking with their sharp hearing after every stomp Fuji makes that made them gulp down in fear.

'We pray for your soul Aoki-san.'
All four of them thought in unison.

After what seemed like a total of a hundred stomps, Fuji stopped as Aoki regenerated every bone that has been broken and crushed by her.

'This is too much. Why is she so cruel? I even ended up having internal bleeding. If I wasn't a demon I would've been dead 'cause of that.'
Aoki thought as he kept on shivering while kneeling on the mat beside Fuji.

"Now what do you wanna say?" Fuji asked glaring at him.

"I'm sorry, I promise to come immediately next time you call me." Aoki answered.


"U-Um...." Shinjuro stuttered raising his right hand a little.

"What?" Fuji looked at him.

"If I may ask.... a-are we ready to go now?" Shinjuro asked stuttering.

"Maybe not yet since Kai and I have to accompany you guys back or Ringo would surely beat the hell out of the Pillars." Fuji answered as she look at the current Pillars

They all tensed up at this especially Obanai and Sanemi. Remembering how she beat them up made them shiver. Obanai could still feel a bit of pain under his chin while Sanemi in his jaw and back.

"But.... why?" Sanemi asked.

"She and Nahori have to take over your places and designated regions for your sudden absence. I just received the news this afternoon from Taro. So you guys better not meet her all by yourselves." Fuji answered with a sigh.

They all gulped down as they nodded in sync. They imagined theirselves being beaten.

Obanai imagined himself being hung upside down by Ringo while beating him with a wooden sword.

Sanemi imagined himself being chased down by Ringo with a real sword at hand ready to behead him.

Giyu imagined himself being drowned by Ringo underwater.

Kyojuro imagined himself having his every bones broken and crushed by her.

Tengen imagined himself being dragged around the village like an animal by Ringo as she hold his right foot after being beaten up.

Gyomei imagined himself being beaten by Ringo with a wooden sword and a metal pole countless times.

Muichiro imagined himself being tied up on a tree with an apple on his head as Ringo's holding a bow and an arrow away from him, if she missed he'll die.

Mitsuri imagined herself being starved to death while Shinobu imagined herself being injected with poisons.

"Excuse me."

The Pillars all jolt up in surprise when Kai suddenly spoke to them. They all turned their heads towards him while shaking.

"I see how scared you guys are towards her. Don't worry, we will give her an explanation." Kai said smiling at them.

'I don't know if we should trust you guys about that. Who knows what kind of explanation these three would say that could either lead us to our deathbeds or torture.'
Obanai thought.

"Please.... give her an explanation to spare us." Kyojuro muttered out.

"Don't worry, we will." Kai replied.

'As if I would do that! If only I have the chance, I'll be the one to burry each and everyone of you alive as payment for everything you've done to Master!'
Kai thought while still smiling at them.

"We could all leave tomorrow and go to the Frost Estate to give Ringo and Nahori an explanation about your absence. After that, all of you guys could just go to your headquarters." Fuji said crossing her arms.
"But first of all.... what the hell did you tell them?" She asked glaring at Aoki again.

"I-I just told them that they should be thankful Kazumi-sama didn't turn into a demon.... be-because she.... she can surpass Muzan." Aoki answered stuttering.

"Why? Is there more?" Kanae asked.

"No, that's all. As I've said before, there are things that are better left unsaid. Showing you about her past which is supposed to be her private life is already a very big mistake. And honestly, we regret that." Fuji answered looking down.

"As long as you wouldn't talk about it towards anyone. But if any of you guys ever made that as a story towards anyone, we'll kill you." Kai threatened in a serious tone.

They all understood it and agreed not to tell it to anyone. Just as that, Masako came.

"Excuse me but, Ubuyashiki Amane-sama is here with me." She said at the other side of the closed doors.

"Come in." Fuji replied.

The doors then opened showing Amane as she enter. The Pillars and Shinjuro all bowed in respect.

"It's great to see you here Amane-sama." Shinjuro said as they all lift up their heads.

"I'm also glad that everyone's safe. And it's also nice to meet you again Kai-san, Fujikase-san, and Aoki-san." Amane greeted.

"I see that you're here, did Kagaya sent you?" Fuji asked.

"Hey, watch your mouth." Sanemi said looking at her.

"It's alright Sanemi. Yes, he wanted to check if the Pillars are doing fine and when they're able to leave." Amane answered.

"Tell him we'll all leave tomorrow. But before going to the headquarters, we have to give Ringo and Nahori an explanation if he still wanted to see these children in one piece."

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