Chapter 109: Siblings

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     As their scene changed again, Hanare snapped her fingers as they saw Yoriichi and Toshiaki sitting on the veranda together. They have grown up now and the estate they were at was still the same estate where Haru and Kazumi lived and owned. Toshiaki now owns the place as the current Flame Pillar.

"You're not wearing it." Yoriichi spoke right after sipping his tea as he look at Toshiaki right beside him.

"You mean the haori?" Toshiaki looked at him holding his tea cup.

"I've never seen you wear it despite you keeping it."

"Well.... although I wanted to, I've decided not to." He looked down to his tea.
"I hid it as a memory of Master. After all, that's.... the only thing I have of her to treasure." He then took a sip from his tea too as he look back at Yoriichi.
"How about you? You got her sword right?"

"Well, I gave it to a swordsmith to hide."


"I don't see myself worthy enough to wield such a sword that has never been broken nor snapped into two since the day it was forged. I'm afraid I'll end up snapping it to pieces. Besides, I'm fine with my own already."

The two just stayed silent as they face the garden. Hanare snapped her fingers again now showing Muzan, possessed by Shinjitsu, facing Yoriichi with a familiar demon behind him. The demon was no other than Tamayo.

They watched at how the both of them fought. They all saw how Yoriichi managed to fight toe to toe with him as he perform his Breath of the Sun God releasing powerful burning slashes. The breath he managed to make branched out from Kazumi's Breath of the Phoenix. But just as Muzan's on the brink of permanently dying, he managed to escape again making himself explode to pieces of his own flesh. Just then, they all went back in that same dark void.

"Tch, what a coward." Muzan ridiculed Shinjitsu as he stood there right beside him.

"Shut up!"

"That Yoriichi's quite talented. Glad he managed to apply what my sister taught him to himself. Although, it was quite very low of you to turn his brother into a demon."

"Will you just shut your damn mouth! You're dead so why are you still here?! Go away! Go to hell already!" Shinjitsu gritted his teeth in anger and annoyance.

"You go there first. Fool, this is my body that you're using. And I'm not leaving not until you're dead. I'll annoy you as long as you exist." Muzan glared at him.

Just as Shinjitsu's about to grab him, he disappeared into the darkness again making Shinjitsu even more annoyed. He pulled his hair hard enough to pluck some of it as he screech.


"Stupid. Does he really think the dead could answer him." Hanare crossed her arms.

The others just sighed as they look at the twins. The other being annoyed and angry while the other just chilling around holding herself back from killing them. They all gulped down the longer they look at them.

As their scene changed again, they saw Kazumi as a child with her long hair tied in a single thick braid as she ran into a village. They saw how the village is in a complete mess and several nearby houses destroyed. They also saw several corpses scattered. As Kazumi hid behind the rubbles while searching for the demon, she saw a certain lady with a long black hair and a pair of butterfly hairpins wearing a haori alike that of butterfly wings.

"It can't be. Is that me?" Kanae muttered out.

Kazumi saw as Kanae's blood drip down the ground while a certain blonde demon started to retreat due to the sun starting to rise up. Just as Kazumi's about to go to Kanae, another slayer came. She's shorter and also have a butterfly hairpin as she immediately carry Kanae on her arms.

'Aiko-san, I'm sorry. It seems like.... I wasn't able to reach this place on time.'

As Kazumi kept herself hidden hearing Shinobu's cries while carrying Kanae, she felt sorry for them as they look at her having a solemn look. Just as she's about to leave, she suddenly stopped.

'This scent....'
Kazumi snapped her head back to face the siblings again.
'This can't be. Demon blood....'

As soon as Kanae closed her eyes, Shinobu's cries just turned louder. But as it do so, Kazumi vanished from her spot reappearing right behind her as she hit Shinobu's nape with a senbon needle that rendered her unconscious. Kazumi catched her body as she gently put it down.

'Sorry but.... I have to take your sister for a while. Or she might end up dying in the hands of the other slayers.'

Kazumi then crouched down about to carry Kanae but she stopped as she look back at the other. She sighed closing her eyes as she took off Kanae's haori and one of her hairpins leaving it with Shinobu as she carry Kanae on her back.

As their scene changed again, it showed Kazumi running in a forest as fast as she could because of the sun. Just as Kazumi jumped from one tree branch to another, Kanae lifted up her head with just the whites of her eyes visible as she opened her mouth now having sharp fangs. She growled as she grab unto Kazumi's shoulders and moved to be out of her grasp.

"Kanae-san!" Kazumi called her name as she then slipped on a tree branch making the both of them fall and hit the ground.

Kazumi then immediately rolled to her side as she dodge Kanae's claw attack. But as soon as she stood up, Kanae tackled her down the ground as she use the hilt of her sword to gag Kanae's mouth stopping Kanae from biting her. She now has purple eyes with slit pupils and long sharp dark purple nails.

"Sorry but I have to hurt you for a while!" Kazumi apologized pushing her off of her and giving her a chop on the neck rendering her unconscious.

As soon as she carry Kanae on her back again and took a step, she ran and moved like normal despite spraining her left ankle caused by her slipping. Their scene changed again now showing Kanae in a room with Kazumi.

"Masako-san." Kazumi called as a certain pink haired girl wearing a kakushi uniform showed up from outside the room.
"Please get some spare clothes for Kocho-san. I'll change her up."

With just that, Masako left as Kazumi sighed in relief. She looked at Kanae who's now sleeping peacefully. Their scene changed again and now showing Kanae wearing a kimono as Kazumi handed Masako her uniform to be washed. As soon as Masako left, Kanae's eyelids slowly opened. Upon opening her eyes, she growled again as she got up and jumped at Kazumi again. But as she come near to Kazumi, she ended up being taken down again by a single chop on the neck as Kazumi properly put her back on her futon.

'I do hope Kagaya-san got my message about this. I can't let Kocho-san get back to her place in this form.'

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