Chapter 121: Trust

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     Dusts and rubbles started to rise up and the wooden pillars falling down from Kokushibou's slashes. With all of these, Kazumi managed to dodge and deflect them all. And as she land in front of his direct slash attack, she remained calm facing him.

'Water Breathing, eleventh form: Dead Calm.'

All of the slashes he sent to her didn't even gave her the slightest scratch as if an invisible wall appeared right in front of her but her surrounding was completely destroyed.

'I suppose I should thank Giyu-san for creating this form and seeing it back at Mt. Natagumo.'

Her thought made Giyu blush at her thanking him as he look down covering his flustered face. But of course, he didn't escape the sharp glares of the Tokito twins, Kyojuro, Obanai, Mitsuri, Sanemi, Tengen, and the menacing smiles of Kanae and Shinobu.

"Ne~ Tomioka-san, seems like we got something to talk about." Shinobu poked his side which he just ignored.

"Tomioka, what's so amazing about that form huh. Mind telling us." Sanemi leaned closer as Giyu remained in his original form covering his face.

"Well, I don't have to be mad since she used Flower Breathing but when she thought about thanking you for that form, I feel as if there's something wrong." Kanae said pinching his arm.

'Hanare-sama.... this is abuse, please help.'

"The hell are you guys are getting mad at? Can't you guys see how useful that form is? Bullying him cause he got thanked by her isn't even enough reason for you guys to treat him like that. If you hate him hate yourselves too." She nonchalantly told them that made them stop looking at Giyu and watch the fight again.

'I swear, these children are a bunch of headaches.'
She sighed massaging her temples.

Right after Kokushibou finished his attack, Kazumi dashed forward to him this time.

'Water Breathing, third form: Flowing Dance.'

She swung her blade releasing a slash that mimics the waves on a water's surface moving her body to dodge his blade. Her slash managed to reach him leading for his right thigh to be cut putting him off balance.

'Water Breathing, sixth form: Whirlpool; Dance.'

A combination of the third form: Flowing Dance and the sixth form: Whirlpool. This combines the footwork from flowing dance and the twisting of the body from whirlpool as she's able to perform several slash attacks around Kokushibou with several twists and swirling of her body. She's also flexible that makes this form work even stronger as she also used the vicious flow of water to redirect his slashes.

(A/N: Her body's flexibility is like Mitsuri's and Inosuke's combined together.)

As this happened, Kokushibou's sword broke as his limbs got cut down by her before she stopped and jumped away from him. He regenerated standing up looking at her who doesn't even seem to be exhausted at all. As he's about to pick his sword back up she already has her blade right under his neck as his hands are a few inches away from the hilt of his sword.

"Fighting you brings back memories from when I was training with him. Strong slashes, fast movements, quick thinking.... silence.... almost everything." He spoke as he stood up not continuing to pick his sword up.
"As if it's him that I'm fighting with and not you."

"Is this how you really want your life to go? To be a monster just to show how powerful you are? Kokushibou-san, is seeing yourself turn into a monster for power what you really want?"

"What do you know?" He looked away as her blade's still pointed at his neck.
"You're strong, you probabaly got all the praises that you wanted. You're clearly talented and a genius seeing you become a Pillar at such a young age. Me? No. Even after all those hard work, I still didn't find myself strong enough. I still didn't find myself powerful enough. I.... I am still.... overshadowed by him."

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