Chapter 56: Plan

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     Ringo's now about to go to bed when she felt as if there's something wrong. She then walked outside and opened the gates as Sanemi ended up knocking on her forehead instead of the gate as he was just about to knock when Ringo opened it.

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to." Sanemi apologized in an insant as he step back.

"You guys are banned from coming here so leave." She said not minding Sanemi's apology.

"We just wanted to ask for reassurance if Kazumi's there." Kyojuro replied.

"And do you guys really think I'll tell whether she's here or not? You're all just making a fool of yourselves." Ringo then turned around as she closed the gates.

"We shouldn't have wasted our time coming here. We all know what she'll answer anyway." Shinobu said as they all walk away.

"Hey.... do you guys think that, it's also our fault that she turned into a demon?" Muichiro asked as he stopped from walking and looked at everyone's backs who also stopped.
"If only we listened to her back then, will things be different to what it is now?"

They all remained unresponsive for a short while as they look down thinking about his question.

'That's right, we're also to blame for what she has become now.'
Gyomei thought.

"To be honest, lots of things would've been different and prevented if only we listened. But now, we can't turn back time to fix our mistakes." Giyu answered breaking the silence.
"All we could do is to face the current her who has become our very own enemy."

Seeing how things unfold, they know there's no stopping her now, even if they beg. There's only a battle on their way. Either for them to kill her and save everyone or to let her live on and reign as the new progenirator of their world.

     Kazumi's now inside one of the rooms of the Infinity Fortress with her black snake wrapped around her neck asleep. It has one table inside with papers on it with her pen, ink, and brushes. She also has a small drawer standing at the left side of her table as her sword's placed on the floor on the right side of the table. Silence surround her as Take came in.

"Master, the Pillars went to the Frost Estate but Ringo managed to drive them away." Take reported.

"Did they cause any ruckus there?" Kazumi asked as she caress his head.

"No, they left peacefully." Take answered.

Just then Daki and Gyuutaro came in too as they get down on one knee before kneeling on the floor properly.

"Kazumi-sama, no slayers has been around the Red Light District lately and also outside." Daki said.

"The same goes for the nearby villages. Even demons are nowhere to be seen." Gyuutaro added.

"Thank you, Daki-san and Gyuutaro-san. You two may go back now." She smiled at them.

Daki just blushed at the sight before her and her brother, they nodded as they leave the room.

'Seems like both sides are taking care of their own businesses. It'll be easy for me to search for her then.'
She thought as she hold up the pipe placed on her desk.

     It has been a month ever since they last saw Kazumi and started training. They noticed how they all changed and improved a lot. Unfortunately, still Kagaya hasn't woken up too ever since that night. This just fueled their anger towards her at how Kazumi could've just hurt them instead of Kagaya who trusted and respected her so much as to even keep her secrets, of her secretly watching the Pillars back then. They're all angry and sad at the same time to her.

Kagaya not waking up also affected the corps as none of them knew when or where Kazumi would show up since none of them have the same ability as him to be able to see the future but his son, Kiriya. So they only keep on training while doing their duties of slaying demons at the same time. They noticed that the number of demons has declined and so are the deaths of the slayers. They though that it must be because of Muzan being dead and Kazumi just being a newly turned demon who is still incapable of turning humans into demons like Muzan.

Now, the Pillars are inside the meeting room as they discuss about their plans for the upcoming battle.

"I'm sure that Kazumi know that until now, our Master hasn't woken up so we'll need a plan. We will be placing a trap here within the estate if ever she comes without any notice. Tamayo-san and Yushiro-san will also help us in this battle." Amane said.
"So we will need Himejima-san and Kanae-san's assitance for this in order for her to get trapped and give Tamayo-san a chance to inject the poison."

The two mentioned nodded in agreement.

"How about the rest, Amane-sama?" Sanemi asked.

"The rest would be put on stand by, the explosion would act as a signal for everyone of you to come. If she noticed everyone's presence at one place, it'll give her the idea that we have a trap set for her." Amane answered.

"How many upper moons are there if you don't mind me asking, Amane-sama?" Yuichiro asked.

"Back then, we saw six. Composed of upper moon one, two, three, four, and six. As you all know, the upper moon six are siblings placed in the same rank." Amane answered again.

"Will the explosion harm you and Oyakata-sama? If so, we could think of another plan." Kyojuro suggested.

"It may or it may not. It depends on how things will come out, but that would only apply to me and my eldest daughters as I can assure everyone of you that the Master will be fine."

This made them shocked that some of them gasped.

"Still Amane-sama, you are Oyakata-sama's wife and your daughters are his daughters too! We can't do this!" Sanemi retorted.

"Shinazugawa-san, this isn't the time to let our emotions take the better of us. We will do this for the sake of many. If we really wanted to bring an end to this fight and stand tall as victors, we must do what is a must. We can't win without any sacrifices." Amane scold him still in her calm and collected manner.

Everyone just sighed in defeat as they all agree. If they all fail to capture her this time, there will be no next time.

If only they know how short is the time they have before their expected nightmare comes to life.

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