Chapter 12: Don't Lose Focus

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     Everyone of them all went wide eyed at how easy he has done it. Tanjiro gritted his teeth in anger as he look at the demon with a scowl on his face.

"Control your emotions. If you're careless, you'll die. Your sister can regenerate, she's a demon." Muichiro said.

Tanjiro then closed his eyes as he control his breathing and calm his self down. As soon as he opened it, all three of them charged at the demon. But as they all get closer, he vanished from his spot.

"Where—" Tanjiro got cut off when someone suddenly grabbed Muichiro from his side.

Tatsu grabbed onto Muichiro's collar from behind as he threw him away from them.

"NO! TOKITO-KUN!" Mitsuri yelled.

"Since he's quite fast, let him find his way back here.... if he can." Tatsu said as he smirk.

"Hinokami Kagura: Dance!"

Tanjiro dashed at him as his sword got wrapped up in fire sending a single high-powered vertical slash towards the demon. The demon then used his arms to block it.

Tanjiro's eyes went wide as he saw his blade not passing through the demon's arms. Mitsuri then dashed towards them as she leapt up.

"Love Breathing, second form: Love Pangs!"

She sent him an extended whipping slash as it hit the demon's back giving him a deep slash.

"I'm amazed.... to see someone use not only one but two breath styles." Tatsu praised before punching Tanjiro on the stomach away from him.

He then jumped towards Mitsuri as he appear right in front of her. He tried to punch her but she dodged by stepping aside. He then tried to kick her from behind but she split down the ground dodging it too before moving her sword that ended up slashing his face and chest.

'I see.... seems like that Tokito kid and this lady here are both Pillars. Great!'
Tatsu thought as he back away from her.

     Muichiro hit several tree branches before landing on the ground in the forest. He was thrown far away. As he sit up, he saw his own body covered in scratches and bruises. He instantly stood up and started running when he saw a kid getting attacked by a huge salamander.

"Waaah! Go away! Go away! No! Someone help! Help!" The kid called out.

'If I remember well, that's the kid that isn't skilled in his craft. If I mind him I won't get back to the village in time.'
Muichiro thought.

"That's a very inappropriate thing to do you know."

He suddenly halted upon hearing those words in his head.

"Ignoring people because they're not important isn't a thing a slayer should do, especially for a Pillar like you. Value their lives just like how you value yours or if you can't do that, then think of their love ones they'll leave behind if you won't save them."

Those were the words that just popped up in his mind. The words of that person they all neglected and turned their backs from. He then looked at the child as he dashed forward and sliced the salamander.

"You're getting in the way so, can you just get outta here." He said to the child that's now behind him.

He didn't get to completely cut its head off because of the hard scales covering its body. The salamander regenerated as it screamed and started spitting out fire. Muichiro carried the child and jumped away.

'If its body is covered in scales look for somewhere that's not.... Look....'
He thought as he stare at the salamander.

As it finished spitting fire, Muichiro looked underneath it. The part of its body underneath isn't covered in scales at all. He then dashed forward as he slide down and stab the salmander under the throat and across its belly before he got out. It ended up successful as the salamander started disintegrating.

"Waaaah! Thank you! I thought I was gonna die! I was so scared! Thank you for saving me! I'm sorry I called you a kelphead! Sorry!" The kid apologized who turned out to be Kotetsu as he hug Muichiro while crying.

"You called me a kelphead?" He asked who doesn't even look like he's bothered.

"Please help Kanamori-san and Haganezuka-san! They're both under attack too! Haganezuka-san has been working nonstop!" Kotetsu pleaded as he stop Muichiro from walking away.

As he's about to reply, Kagaya's image appeared in his head saying....
"You can find yourself again for sure. Muichiro."

He suddenly held the side of his head. He then remembered Kagaya and Amane sitting beside his futon watching over him as he was injured after a demon attacked him and his brother back then. His whole body's wrapped up in bandages.

"You may be confused right now. But just focus on survival now. As long as you're alive, you can still do something. Your memories will definitely come back, don't worry. Don't miss your chances. Things which may initially seem trivial might end up clearing the mist inside your head."

He remembered Kagaya's words as he's already carrying Kotetsu over his shoulder while running towards Haganezuka's working place. He's running fast.

"AAAAAH!!! Hey! Hey! Let's take our time a bit! Just a bit!" Kotetsu exclaimed.

"Speak and you might bite your tongue off." Muichiro calmly replied.

'Is this right? I can't protect the whole village if I do this, I wouldn't be able to help Tanjiro and Kanroji-san.... No, I can! I was acknowledged by Oyakata-sama! And even Kazumi-sama!'
Muichiro thought as he kept on running.
'I am the Mist Pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps, Tokito Muichiro!'

On the other hand, Tanjiro's currently lying on his belly as he's being held down the ground by Tatsu. Mitsuri's being held by a hardened mound of mud preventing her from moving, even her sword got stuck. From her feet to her waist then from her hands to her shoulders.

"Hehehe, how weak. Even this lady Pillar with you can't move now." Tatsu said as he kept his hold on Tanjiro's neck.

"Let go of Kamado-kun! Don't kill him!" Mitsuri exclaimed still struggling to get out.

"Oh shut up, as if you can do anything. Even that Tokito guy is—" Tatsu got suddenly cut off when he felt a powerful kick on his belly.

He let go of Tanjiro as he rolled on the ground away from his previous spot and Tanjiro. The hardened mound that was holding Mitsuri then broke apart as someone fired some bullets on it. Two people showed up; Nezuko who came back still transformed into an adult demon but now she has one horn on the right side of her head, the other one's Genya holding his gun as he stood a bit away from them.

"Nezuko! Genya! Thanks!" Tanjiro thanked.

"Thank you Genya-kun!" Mitsuri thanked.

"We shouldn't lose focus now, we still have to kill him!" Genya exclaimed.

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