Random 😎

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So yeah, I got to realize that I just gave you guys some straight pain ever since the oneshots ended. So here I am for some comfort. I perhaps consider this as a oneshot but, oh well, here it goes.... *facepalm*

▪︎Fantasy and Modern AU

The upper moons, now reincarnated as humans, are currently running up a shrine as the rain pours down on them. Michikatsu and Douma are holding several rolled AO sized poster papers while Akaza's carrying a box with all their materials inside. They all stopped reaching inside the shrine as they close the doors that they opened. With the looks of it, it's an abandoned one as many of its parts have been destroyed and wasn't repaired at all like the other shrines.

"Gods! My clothes are wet now!" Ume grumbled squeezing the water out of her blouse.

"Mine too." Nakime agreed.

"I'm sure this rain won't stop at any time. Guess we all have to spend the night here." Gyuutaro took off his top uniform as he's only wearing a plain white shirt now and use it to dry his hair.

"Guess he's right, there's no signal here." Michikatsu showed them his phone not having a signal at all as proof.

"These projects are annoying as it is already. And now the rain!" Akaza scratched his nape as he sat down the floor.

As they all chat and talk about how annoying their projects already are and the rain adding up, Douma's wandering around touching the walls. Until he saw a little fox statue in the corner. It's made of stone as it's covered in moss, dust, and spider webs, it's almost unrecognizable too at how dirty it is.

"I wonder how beautiful of a statue you'll look like once you've been cleaned." He muttered out to himself.

"Oi! Douma! Don't wander around! If we got home without you we won't come back to look for you!" Akaza called him.

He sweatdropped as he walked back to them after giving the fox statue one last look. After a while, the group of friends decided to take a nap while waiting for the rain to stop. But as the night falls deeper and the rain pouring harder, the fox statue that Douma found earlier turned into a real one with a white colored fur and along it is a blue flame orb. It walked slowly to them sniffing them all before running into the dark.

As they all open their eyes, they saw the whole room lighted up as if they were in a whole new place. They all looked around the room as they even touched their clothes.

"Where are we?" Michikatsu asked.

"Our clothes are dry.... and.... yeah, where are we?" Douma said as they all stood up.

They heard footsteps and voices outside the room as they open the shoji doors, they all saw several people running around with trays at hand and ordering each other around at such loud voices. Nakime almost bumped into one but surprisingly, the lady passed through her.

"Are we ghosts now?! I can't even touch them! What should we do?!" Ume freaked out as she tried to touch the ones passing by them.

They all ran out of the place as they were met by more people outside or to be exact, spirits and demons and more creatures they could only read in books. They were all surprised seeing all these that they all ran pass by them until they reached what seemed like a town.

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